Scapegoat Chaper 2!

Nov 15, 2007 02:10

So here it is everyone! The long awaited, and amazingly enough, popular fic, Scapegoat !

Title: Scapegoat Chapter 2!

Rating: Pg-13

Summary: Why do good people get blamed for someone else?

Disclaimer: Yay! Another attempt at an update! This fic is decorated to sephiraprincess, who gave me the idea originally. I don’t own the series though, I’m not that creative lol. Maki Murakami though is so creative she pulls out the giant panda out of no were because she had no idea what to do. There’s nothing that can pwn that panda. Anyway, please enjoy Chapter 2 of ‘Scapegoat!’

Chapter 2

By: Summoner Hirelena

His head hurt, a low throbbing pain on his forehead, as if someone was pressing on it.
His eyes felt heavy, and his mind was sluggish, ‘Wait a minute when did I fall asleep’ Through the dark he slowly began to gather his thoughts. His mind was unfocused, scattered liked he was…

‘Oh my God’ Fujisaki felt his heart quicken, the last remnants of his memory little by little came to the surface. He was drugged, and if life was like what it was in the movies, most likely he was taken somewhere. Kidnapped.
‘Oh my God’ The pianist thought again, panic slowly eating at his body. Kidnappers were not normally in their right of mind whenever they take someone. Fujisaki lungs were burning, he was now conscious but he had to control his breathing like he was still sleeping. He had to pretend so they didn’t notice him. It was hard though, the boy could feel his heart pounding a mile a minute.
‘This has to be a bad dream…Why...why would they want me?’ His eyes, only seeing darkness began to sting, threatening tears. His life was just beginning, the fame just coming in from his hard work. What could he have done to instill this?! What…did they want? The small boy’s body shuddered, his mind answering the question without much hesitation.

“Hey, he’s shuddering. Cover him up”
“Aw, going soft on the boy?”
“If you feel that way already, Shui , than maybe we should just get some quick satisfaction already…”

‘Sex…’ Fujisaki wasn’t normally the one who would give into his fears, but what normal person wouldn’t shake at the thought that he was going to be molested and maybe killed. The boy from the darkness, heard shifting, and movement from one of the three deep adult male voices.
“You just shut your trap Xiao Chen” Without warning there was a soft breeze that kissed his hot skin, the feeling of soft fabric around his shoulders. His body already tense with worry, jerked violently against the soft touch, fear taking over his body.
“Hey! He’s awake!” There was a grab at his throat as Fujisaki opened his brown eyes, willing every piece of his body to get out of that chair. Lunging away from the hand he twisted, only to fall over, the feeling of restraints on his wrists and ankles finally registering in his mind. He couldn’t really see clearly after that, stars and bright lights blinding him.
“Whoa, we have a fighter here, Shui. And look at you trying to be nice to him!” The pressure on his head slowly began to feel like a hammer pounding down on him, over, and over again. It was unbearable.
‘Nakano…Shindou…Help…’ He couldn’t talk, the pain was too much for him.

A pair of dark shoes got into his vision, “Xiao Chen, help me here”
“Why me? You’re the one who scared him-“This voice got cut off as there was a gun shot suddenly heard in the air.
Fujisaki couldn’t help it anymore, he just lost any type of hold he had on his sanity.
“Oh! Oh! Shui, looks like he wasn’t all the way potty trained” Touma’s cousin closed his eyes, the pool stinging from the tears that began to slide down his face.
“Than why don’t you come over here and help me fix this Liang?”
There was a moment of silence before the boy heard another set of feet shuffling towards him.
“Fine, fine.” The stars were now gone, and the headache still feeling like elephants were tap dancing on his head. He felt something strong take a hold of the thing he was attached to. A chair most likely, he thought dully. The legs made soft thudding noises as the boy felt himself move, and than straighten up.
“Come on Little Prince, open those eyes of yours” Fujisaki could hear the soft snide tone in his voice. They were making fun of him for being Seguchi’s younger cousin.
‘Of course…’ Opening his brown eyes he stared back into a pair of jet black ones, the oval eyes giving away that he was Asian. Although he felt like shit, the slowly opened his eyes, trying to focus his mind enough to force a semi-glare. He had to try to show them that although he was scared and wet he was still no push over.
“Ah, wonderful, it looks like you didn’t seriously hurt yourself. We wouldn’t want that now would we Fujisaki?”
Fujisaki felt his skin crawl, “Don’t” The man standing in front of him reeked of dominance. His thin body hid rippling muscles under the large plain black tee shirt and jeans. Tilting his head, the tall man stared at him curiously the oily wisps of hair falling into his eyes.
“Don’t act so familiar…” The day after Shindou-san’s lover got him to accept Suguru he automatically called him Fujisaki. Although this bothered him for a while, Fujisaki realized, that as just Shindou’s way. The pink haired ball of energy was just very friendly and considered everyone a friend. God he missed him…

The man grinned slowly standing back up. Another smaller man moved next to him, the one who helped him sit up. His slicked back hair was held in place by god only knows what. The top of his head were two curled up regions like horns, he was Liang, the follower.
“He’s a smart ass isn’t he Shui?” Fujisaki kept quiet the fog from the drug slowly letting up. The taller man was Shui, the one with the gun.
“Xiao Chen, get him pants, and change him” Shui disregarded the comment, with a wide smile. The man on the couch looked up with a jerk, the wide Chinese eyes grew in fear. Pushing back his long locks he got up opening his mouth. But before he said anything he shook his head and walked into a dark hallway.
“I can change myself” Touma’s cousin muttered his tugging at the ties on his wrist and legs. It was embarrassing enough that he wet himself, he was not going to let them demean him more by changing his clothes for him.

Their leader began to move to the couch, “We’re just trying to make you comfortable Little Prince. We know you’re used to the good life” Each word that Shui said threw Fujisaki into a fit of rage. He hated it every time they went out together, Seguchi was the one that got the attention, Fujisaki was always the one who was the relative; the ‘chip off the genetic block’.
He repeated, “I. Can. Change. Myself” Xiao Chen finally came back a pair of sweatpants in his hands. Dropping them beside the chair Xiao Chen kneeled down tugging at the restraints they put on the boy. Fujisaki felt himself wince finally feeling the stress of the restraints released from his ankles. Letting out a quiet sigh he unconsciously felt his body relax until...
"God you wet yourself good" Pushing his hair back in annoyance he tugged at the khaki pants that the boy wore. Fujisaki felt himself jump in his chair, only to be held down firmly by the restraints.
Xiao Chen grunted grabbing at his waist, "Chill, if you jerk around even more it'll take longer to change you. And I doubt someone like yourself would like to wallow in your own bodily fluids” The boy wiggled still as the larger male roughly unzipped his pants, undid the buttons pulling it down. Stifling a whimper Fujisaki could feel his cheeks heat up, turning away from the man in embarrassment. This was shameful for Suguru, he worked his whole life to make sure no one handed him anything; not to ride on the coattail of his relationship with his famous cousin. Yet here he was, helpless in the hands of, of, kidnappers.
"Woah-Wha-What are you doing?!" The pianist yelped his pale legs jerking and shoving against the man's chest. Liang tilted his head from the couch watching the scene with amusement. With the boys sudden violent reaction Xiao Chen had to back off growling with frustration. He grabbed his chest his dark eyes narrowing as he stared at Fujisaki's dark ones.
"What? You want to sit in your wet underwear?! God damn it kid I swear I will pop you one right now!"
"You will do no such thing Xiao Chen" Shui said coolly from the couch. The larger man growled quietly as he sat back up glaring at the boy some more. Fujisaki felt his body go cold, feeling those deadly eyes on him; this man was dangerous.
'But...' His mind began to wonder as Xiao Chen took the waistband of his briefs, a feeble way to disconnect himself from his world. He didn't want to know, nor feel that someone was undressing him.
' long as Shui is there...As long as he does not want me hurt, they probably won't touch me. I have to keep in his good graces, come on Suguru, keep a clear head!' Trying not to whimper or wince, he felt himself snatch from his thoughts as the sensation of cotton touching his most sensitive parts. Opening his dark brown pools, Touma's cousin looked down and saw the extra large gray pants hanging off his thin waist.
The boy shifted in his seat as Xiao Chen slowly began to retie his restraints with the thin rope. He had to be careful how he posed the question, how he approached the leader of this gang. He had a gun, and Fujisaki had no idea what the mental state of the kidnappers, so he had to be careful not to anger them. As the man got up taking the now smelly wet clothes, the High School student bowed his head slightly turning to the leader.

Meekly he cleared his thought, "Shui-san...?" The man didn't even turn his head from the couch as he un-muted the television.
"What is it Little Prince? Hungry?"
Fujisaki felt the quiet boiling of his blood, anger rising from the nickname. "Why am I here? Seguchi-san won't get you any type of publicity for this if you didn't know. He would rather pay you off quietly than doing anything!-"
The man cut him off as he flipped through the channels, "I know" The boy's chocolate eyes grew in surprised, lifting his head at the words.
"Than why?"
"Suguru-san, this isn't just about the publicity, isn't it boss?" Liang quickly spoke up putting his hands behind his head lazily. Xiao Chen came back after a moment and plopped beside the two in a separate chair. There was a moment of quiet, as if the leader was ignoring what his lackeys were babbling about. Secretly he was glad that they were not trying to kiss Seguchi's feet, he wasn't as wonderful as everyone thought he was. H wasn't lying when he said that he would rather just wait until they made their demands and just pay them off. The President didn't like to play games, and he would never have let anything hurt his precious company so. This company represented his dedication to Sakuma-san and his precious Brother in Law, the famous Eiri Yuki.

Fujisaki breathed, trying to keep calm. "Than what is it?" He asked again. Xiao Chen lifted the controller again changing the channel to anime.
"The President" He sneered, "Owes me. Thats why"

gravitation, fujisaki, drabble, scapegoat

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