Blood Stained Music Sheets

Oct 14, 2007 15:50

Woot! So I finished my 11th Sheet to this fic, and wanted to post it here. But than I realized, "hey, you havent even posted Sheet 2". So, here is Sheet 2, and 3 I have done so far with this fic. I hope people will enjoy! (P.S, LJ wont let me post more in one post>> so more to come in a bit)
Rating: R, just to be safe
Summary: The boys of Bad Luck come back from their sucessful Western Tour, only to be found out by a schoolgirl fan that they are 'vampires...' And on the brink of a fight for one of their own.Please R&R
Genre: Horror/Action

Sheet 2; Overtune of Awakening

Hi everyone, its me again, your fanfiction Mistress, Summoner Hirelena Sakamoto, here to introduce to you my newest chapter to my story. So I do not own anything Gravitation related, and if I did, like many other fangirls I would not share^^. But I do own my own characters, Allegra Pika, and Echo Location, and if you want to use them, please find me and ask for permission (information on contact is at the end of the chapter, and in the previous chapter). But I don’t think anyone uses anyone else’s characters without permission so I don’t know why I keep saying it^^. Anyway I hope you enjoy my story!

Blood Stained Music Sheets
Sheet 2; Overture of Awakening
Written by: Summoner Hirelena

“Yes Shuichi…Come help your newest pet” Looking around I saw something come out of the dark shadows in between this girl and I, and Shuichi and Hiro. His body sans his wirily muscular arms was covered by a long dark jacket which was pushed lazily by the now intimidating calming wind.
As the wind died in an almost poetic sense, the man placed his hands in his pockets turning away from the musicians and towards me and this girl.
“Please…let me go…” I began whimpering struggling again against the blonde who held me down with iron grips.
“Let her go Takashi! She didn’t do anything to you!” Shuichi began to growl stepping forward a step or two.
“Ah ah ah, get any closer and she might fall and hurt that pretty little neck of hers” The man known as Takashi reached us his strong hand taking hold of my chin. Wincing I started trying to pull away as he forced my jaw up to revel my neck the bell tinkling loudly with the rough treatment.
“My, I was just joking when I said you were his Pet. But look-y here, you got a collar and everything; with a bell nonetheless!” I was gasping by now for breath, his large fingers pressed against my throat cutting off some of my air which my struggling heart desperately needed.
He bowed his head staring into my eyes keeping my chin in his possession, his golden eyes identical to hers shined back at me. With my chin in captive, and my body now pressed against the women I couldn’t move, I was pinned, my life in the hands of my muse and his best friend…
“Keep your hands off of her I warn you!” Hiro’s voice cut through the dead air night. He than let go of me, my head dropping from the sudden lost of its strong support.
“No” Takashi said with a playful hint on his voice.
“I mean come on, why should I be so willing to let your Pet go, when you wont even obediently come to the right side? Ill change her to the right side”
‘’The right side?’ What does he mean by that?’ All of a sudden from the corner of my eyes I saw a flash of light, a slim cool almost metallic thing appearing against my neck above my collar. I shifted my eyes to look at the two boys trying to see if they had any form of a plan going on. But all I could see…was four eyes all reflecting anger, indecision and determination.
‘…This is it, hes going to slit my throat…Oh my Goddess…What did I do?’

“We warned you-”
”-Al sit still” Than in the dead air night, where there was no possibility of it happening, there clapped the loud familiar sound of thunder. But before I could figure out where that noise came from the musicians quickly got smaller as the ground fell below me.
“Take the knife Mia” Takashi hissed to the blonde as we must have been hanging in the air for a few seconds. He must have hung for a few seconds longer because as Mia and I began to descend his darkly clothed body got entrapped by a blinding flash of lighting. But what was even stranger, was the fact the wind suddenly gusted through the air.
“Oh my-Please, Mia, we didn’t do anything, let us go” I gasped as we landed her grip getting tighter around me. Wincing I felt her pull my arms into her grip the knife fitting snug against my neck.
“I cant, he told me to keep you prostrated-“
“But he just got struck by lighting-“
“Look hes fine! He j-DUCK!”

Suddenly she yanked me the gush of wind going past my ears as we fell to the ground; but strangely I could also almost feel the stinging and scent of burning flesh and clothes. As we landed the pain greater than what should have been from landing on concrete, fired throughout my body.
“IM ON FIRE!” My eyes shot open from the realization as I began to fight in the arms of the blonde girl. Mia quickly let me go and began to pound on my back and skin which was scorching from fire.
“How did this happen!”
“Its gone its gone relax now” Opening my eyes slowly the voice of Takashi cut through the night. He came down already landing a few feet from us our spot.
“I can tell you, your precious little keeper got it on you, your little Shuichi” I sat up carefully, my head ringing with this revelation as my eyes caught the now wide dark gold red eyes of my muse.
“I-I I don’t understand… Shuichi what did he mean?” His eyes shifted nervously away from my gaze as he held his silence.
“Hiro? Please tell me what’s going on! Why are your eyes different colors, how come they can fly?” The red head narrowed his goldish red eyes nastily at Takashi as he slowly dusted off his dark jacket. Than lazily he lifted his hands almost like he was dismissing the danger; an almost amused tone in his voice.
“Fine, if they wont tell you I will, Bad Luck is full of vampires”
“Vampires?” I echoed my skin going pale as he began to walk towards me; than as if he commanded it Mia wrapped her arms around me again pinning my arms so I could not move. Than, with no warning there was a sudden whoosh in the air, a bright aura of light appeared behind Takashi’s body. An almost satanic grin spread across the face of the man as the light grew quickly behind him, than in a blink of an eye he swiftly leapt away. My green eyes grew as this mysterious light soon made itself to be known as a stream of blue fire.
“AHHH!” And as if the fire had a mind of its own, as soon as it got close enough for me to feel its heat the fire turned quickly to follow my captor. Gasping I saw Shuichi cry out in anger his feet flying him towards me, and in his hands a bright ball of blue fire.
“STAY BACK!” The knife was placed against my neck as Hiro followed a few steps behind, than took a sharp turn to the right after the man known as Takashi. Yanking me back the blonde growled under her breath as Shuichi threw his hand down on the ground the path of concrete twisting and cracking flying from him. The sound of mine and Mia’s cries mixed together as the glowing crack grew towards us at a terrifying rate.
“Why are you attacking her!?” But as the fire filed crack reached us it arched by my feet moving behind me never touching a fiber of my body.
’Where-MIA!’ A second later my ears were filled with a blood curdling scream, the pressure around my arms and body abruptly disappeared. And than just as suddenly there was a fiery line of pain that traced itself down my neck to the shoulder blade.

This pain-
This unbelievable pain was so unbearable I doubled over falling to my knees clutching my hand on the warm oozing cut line that now dawned my body. Gasping for breath I turned to see the girl who was now on the ground too laying there entrapped by the flame of Shuichi’s fire.
‘The knife…’ I thought struggling to keep the black that was growing in my vision away.
‘She accidentally…slit me…’
“Mia, finish her!!” Painfully I turned my head to see Takashi jump away from Hiro, his clothes smoldering in the light of the city. But as soon as that contemplation popped into my mind, he melted into the night, lost amongst the darkness.
Shuichi finally made it over moving in between me and Mia, “Don’t you lay a finger on her” Slowly she at up her golden eyes twinkling with anger behind her vaguely smoldering hair. Her body shuddered very faintly as I noticed the gritting of her teeth; obviously there was something wrong-
“Shuichi, please don’t… shes hurt” Begging quietly, I stood up very slowly behind the singer trying to ignore the pain that was racking my body. His tense body shifted with uncertainty, his pale hand still held out to burn her.
“Al stay down, please”
Standing was not a very smart idea…
I felt hands suddenly, the darkness I was fighting gradually getting the better of me.
‘I must have…lost too… much blood…’ There as a rush of dulling sensations, like warm flesh touching, but who’s flesh…I could not tell you; at that last thought, my breaths came out in gasps, until the noises melted into the darkness.

In my dream, there was a comforting blanket of warmth around me. Like my mother’s warmth while she was still alive, but I don’t think it was my mother this time.

There was a face…unfocused…but there was a sense that it was kind. This warmth was sad, distressed and worried about something…But it was even more upsetting because, in this darkness my heart began to yearn to consoled that dislocated feeling. And as much as I wanted to, I couldn’t because my body felt funny…It felt weak, tired, numb, beaten. What was even stranger, I could not collect the memories of why I could possibly feel this way. Than, the blur of the face gradually began to melt away, and all that I was left with was this new empty feeling of nothingness. It was cold, lonely, and distant, but not because of something else, but because it wished to be. It didn’t want anything to do with me, no worries, no feeling, it just was.
I could hear my own whimpering in the dark, a silent wish to be let out of this place floating in the dreams waiting to be fulfilled. Strangely, when my thought finished there was a sensation of warmth, my numb body grew feeling, and energy. And than that feeling, you know what it is, when your coming out of a deep dream…And you know your going to wake up. That area around you fades, your memories come flooding back, and the world crumbles until…

I could feel a prickly pain on my neck as I could feel it make a soft groaning noise.
‘Wha-what happened?’
Opening my green eyes slowly I saw that I was in a room…an apartment?...
“So, your awake?”
The rustling of the soft fabric of a bed sheet that was laid on me filled the silent room as I rolled over towards the quiet male voice, with care to the pain that was throbbing on my neck. But any other thought of pain stopped right there as I propped myself up a bit to face the owner of the voice.
“Oh my God…”
Staring back at me leaning against the doorframe, in an unbuttoned shirt and dress pants was the famous handsome writer that was on the back of my Japanese Teacher’s favorite books, Yuki Eiri …
“You shouldn’t be moving around that much, lay back down” He said gruffly popping open a can of beer moving away from the door to enter the room. Putting the can to his lips he took a drink lazily, blushing deeply I couldn’t help but just stare: he was more gorgeous in real life than he was in that picture.
‘That picture didn’t do him any justice…it never showed how muscular he really was…his eyes glinted and shimmered like glass-’
“The idiot knocked himself out last night” The man sighed running his other hand through his hair kneeling beside the couch I was on.
“Id-Shuichi?!” Gasping the memories of the night came crashing back in my conscience thoughts, about vampires, powers, the man, the blonde… Sitting up straight I leaned over the side and on the floor curled up in a blanket in a deep slumber was Shuichi. But as I was doing this my head rushed with blood the sensation of dizziness and nausea hit me like a sickness. Taking a deep breath and swallowing to get rid of the nasty dry taste in my throat I reopened my eyes to be rewarded with seeing his lips part gently in a dreamy sigh as Yuki pushed his pink hair back from his eyes. Smiling I felt a wave of relief wash over me seeing my muse sleep so peacefully, and almost outright cutely.
“Why isn’t he in a bed Mr. Yuki?”
With a grunt he stood back up on the other side of Shuichi, putting the can to his lips drinking it as if he was shrugging off my question for a moment.
“…He did not want to leave you” Yuki said finally in a flat tone his golden eyes still bearing down on the singer. Blinking I pushed the blanket off of me and looked down at my legs and arms.
‘Everything seems to be fine, even after last night. That’s weird’ Like a child who dislikes something my nose wrinkled in confusion as I continued to examine my exposed skin.
“I don’t understand Mr. Yuki, I don’t have a scratch on me. And even though my neck is sore because of being threatened by that knife, Im fine-”
“Lay down” He commanded moving around Shuichi’s ‘bed’ as he dropped the can in the trash than began to move into the small space between Shuichi and the couch. My cheeks flushed red as my mouth fell open slightly.
“W-What?” When someone like Yuki says something like that, and was coming closer and closer to you, your heart will stop just like mine. I couldn’t believe it, I mean, he was going out with Shuichi wasn’t he? What was he doing? Yuki reached the couch side placing his hand down on the couch beside me leaning down slightly. Placing a hand on my forehead I felt myself gasping softly for breath my dizzy spell coming back feeling the heat of Yuki’s breath on my skin.
“I told you to lay down, now lay down” And with that command I found myself laid back down on the couch staring up into the glassy eyes of the writer.
“You’re apart of this now, apart of the bigger problem”
“Do…you mean the vampires?” I asked murmuring my body stiff with nervousness. His eyes glinted sharply at that word ‘vampire’, his lips curling up slightly.
‘Geez, I made him angry…’
“Look, that brat wanted to save his Stray from the brink of death” I could feel a great sharp pain in my heart as I was hurt by the words he was saying. A lot of people at home used to call me that, because they all knew that my family pretty much left me alone. Made me live for myself, I truly was a Stray. My eyes burned hotly as he continued on his statement.
“So, we don’t need you around, you really shouldn’t even be alive, so in the morning don’t even bother getting closer to him. Just leave, unless you want to cause him pain” Yuki stood up straight reaching over to the table that sat at the end of the couch.
“Here, drink this before you pass out” He put a glass in my hands than turned away, in a way storming but not storming out of the room. As he left I finally felt my body status once again.
‘Im…Shaking…?’ My heart was racing and my breath was shorter as I closed my eyes slowly sitting back up. Yuki scared me, he hated me being here, and he wanted me gone as quickly as possible.
‘Just leave…unless you want to cause him pain’
Very carefully and slowly I brought my shaking legs under me tilting my head to watch Shuichi sleep.
‘But…I just can’t leave’ He curled up into a ball his face peaceful and calm an almost serene look on it.
‘Shuichi…’ I began to ache, my body not only shaking but feeling full of anxiety. The idea of not being there with him, the thought of him being so far, with something so dangerous being after him just hurt me.
‘You’re my inspiration…I love you, even though I cannot speak it. I do…’ Blinking I looked down feeling hot wet drops on my leg.
‘Im crying...’ Stifling a sob I squeezed my eyes shut knowing that if I wanted to do what was best for him, I had to leave. It would be hard, but it would be selfish of me for me to hold on, when it would hurt him. Breathing out very slowly I opened my eyes staring at the now empty cup in my hand.
“Red…?” Bringing the cup to eye level I stared at the almost thick looking red liquid beads that hung onto the glass.
‘It almost looks like-‘
I gasped as my mind finally put together Yuki’s cryptic message.
‘Shuichi…brought me back from the brink of death. From a fatal slit wound…’
“Vampire…you made me…into a vampire…” Looking at the glass again with outright disbelief I felt my head go light once again.
‘…And I just drank blood’

Authors Notes:
So I hope that this Chapter was a lot more exciting! ^^ I know I loved it. Especially doing the Eiri thing and typing at a desk in my room, dark lights and sans the candle I have lit. Had to do some editing with my previous chapter, so I hope that they story is still flawless. Well, anyway, I never meant Yuki to be so mean, nor did I mean to have Al’s family neglectful. But like I told my darling boyfriend, my story is just unfolding itself, and I don’t even have to think. It’s the most wonderful feeling. Hehe, but like all the other Yuki fangirls, I like him better kinda mean anyway^^. So what will happen to pretty little Al? Will she leave, will she stay? What is to become of her physically? And as usual, send flames, praise, comments, questions to my e-mail,
Or leave me a message on the comment thingie! Until than, please keep reading:
Ki! geche biru (Ja! Molto Ai- Later, much love!)

Sheet 3; Requiem of an Imprisoned Heart

Disclaimer: Wow, the 3rd Chapter, in what about a week or so time? Im on a Gravitation roll! Which is not surprising since I cant stop thinking about my favorite Yaoi couple since the Gravitation OVA secret preview at August 2005 Otakon, and its what December? As usual I don’t own anything officially Gravitation, and if I did, like many of the other fangirls out there I wouldn’t share^^. But I do own my own characters, Allegra Pika, and Echo Location, and since my friend was introduced in my last chapter, I must say I do not own her, my friend does and if you wish to use her let me know and I will let you know how to contact her. And if you want to use my characters contact me, and Ill let you know what I decide. You can find my contract in the chapters, or on the site. Now onto Chapter 3!

Blood Stained Music Sheets
Sheet 3; Requiem of an Imprisoned Heart
Written By: Summoner Hirelena

That night at Shuichi and Yuki’s apartment I could not sleep one wink. I just kept tossing and turning, plagued by the memories of earlier. Laying there I just couldn’t believe that the members of Bad Luck were vampires, and that we were attacked by some rouge group. It was so crazy and it all happened so fast that I could swear it was just a dream, just a wonderful dream that turned into a horrible nightmare. And, of course, the worst evidence of it all, the chilling empty glass of the sweet red liquid of what I thought to be blood. But... the fact that I knew I was on the brink of death and that I could not control the flow of blood that came out of me made me believe in this treatment that Shuichi did on me. I wanted to talk to him some to try to figure out what it all meant, but looking over him in the very dim light coming from the moon outside I couldn’t wake up such a peaceful slumber.

‘I will be gone in the morning…and I will learn how to deal without you…’

When I woke up again I almost threw myself into a heart attack seeing the sun. The old myth that vampires cant be in it racing through my mind; but since I wasn’t dead or burning the idea seemed ridiculous. I sat up slowly tilting my head over the side seeing Shuichi snore very lightly in his sleep curled up in his blanket. Smiling I couldn’t help but giggle at his little sleepy voice go, ‘Yukiii…’, ‘ Yuuuukiiii’, it was cute that he was so dedicated to this man that he would dream of him.
‘Even though Yuki…Yuki, doesn’t want me around him’ I shook my head furiously my hair whipping my skin like tiny whips as I shut my eyes closed.
‘Don’t cry, don’t be upset. You already decided…’ Pulling the blanket off of me I began to fold them quietly my heart tearing. There was a strong feeling of dread that was just nagging at me, a very horrible feeling that I could not place. Putting the now neatly folded blanket down I slipped off the bed careful of the singer laying there. Quickly looking around and listening for any sign of the writer I bent down beside Shuichi my hand reaching out to his face. His cheeks were cold, and warm at the same time, his skin soft… Blushing from embarrassment, I could not help but run my hand down his chin pushing his candy pink hair back behind his ear very gently. Looking down at his peaceful face I caught the glint of something on my wrist.
‘Oh, my watch…’ Tilting my wrist I inwardly groaned seeing I had only a half an hour until I had to show myself at class. Air was probably worried sick about me, probably got the police out looking for me. With much dislike I stood up moving away from the boy looking around until I could find the kitchen. Quietly I began to dig around fishing for a notepad and a writing utensil. Finding one I hurriedly scribbled down a note knowing if I didn’t do this than and there I would regret it horribly.

I thank you for whatever you did to help me last night. For some odd reason just knowing you were trying to protect me helped me get through the traumatic time. Please, keep safe, I don’t know how I could take hearing that you were hurt. Also if you could do me this favor, and tell Hiroshi goodbye for me too please? I do not want him to think me terribly rude…And Im sorry for the inconvenience that I caused you and Yuki-san…

Always your Number One fan,
Allegra Pika

I hated to go back to the way it used to be, hated to put this distance between us. And the thought of his feelings being hurt, of abandoning what we had just created tears that decorated the note. Rubbing them away I moved back into the room where Shuichi slept, and quietly made my way to the end of the couch. With one last deep breath I laid the note there and began to back away from the comfort of this room. Stepping in my shoes I felt the harsh pressure in my chest due to the anxiety that was racing through my body. Clutching onto the door handle I turned back to get one last look into the room that my muse laid in. I let out a deep quick breath as I quickly opened the door and tossed myself out into the dim hallway shutting it behind me quietly. Squeezing my green eyes shut I raced down the hallway and to the steps. I couldn’t even tell you what sensations and thoughts were racing through me as I flew down the steps almost running into a few apartment mates. Throwing the door open I flung myself into the daylight of the streets outside.
‘Yuki’s right, Shuichi’s happy the way he is, and he doesn’t need me going around messing with his life’ Racing down the streets I started heading towards Tokyo U, back to my home with Airlia, and away from this strange new rush of sensations that he brought up. I don’t know how long I raced down those streets, how many people I raced into in my blind fleeing of that home; all I know is that when I raced past the gates I couldn’t breathe. My lungs burned, and my legs felt like heavy lead, but for some odd reason I felt a small relief when I realized if I jogged I could make it to my class on time. It took a bit of convincing but finally my body gave in to my requests as I quickly jogged into the school and down its hallways bursting into my Grammar Class.
“AL!” Looking up as I was gasping for breath I met with the blue grey eyes of Air as she raced up tossing arms around me.
“OH MY GOD I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU” I gasped for breath as she squeezed me hard squealing how she thought something bad happened after I disappeared in the crowd.
“H-hey let me go!” She pulled away quickly smiling apologetically as she gently took my hands pulling me to our paired desks. Sitting me down on the hard seat she moved to sit next to me as she pushed back her blonde hair.
“So what happened? After they moved you away from the crowd I couldn’t find you, and you didn’t call and-“
“I passed out…” I cut her off very quietly trying not to get the attention of the other students chatting around me.
“What?” She hissed moving in closer her chocolate eyes narrowing at me almost unbelieving.
“I know I know” Putting a hand to my head I sighed closing my eyes. All these questions were really making me wary, and I really didn’t feel like answering them.
“So?” Airlia insisted crossing her hands over the tie wanting more.
“…Bad Luck took me to their hotel room until I woke up…” Her blue eyes widened, her jaw dropping stunned at my story. Suddenly, there was a chill down my back, the overwhelming distinct feeling of when you speak too much and you know your going to say something stupid.
‘Just…don’t let her know about their secret, else, it might hurt the band, here quickly change the subject’
“…Yes bu-“
“So you got to meet Shindou-san?!” She almost squealed hopping up and down on her seat, her excitement almost giving away the private moment we were having.
“Stand” We turned our heads to see our teacher standing at the front behind her desk ready to start. Without another word I stood up almost thankful to cut this conversation short, I didn’t want to even slightly mention anything strange that the band is doing.
“Damn, well you and me will talk afterwards”
“Please be seated”
I sat down slowly ignoring Air’s hisses to me as the teacher began to speak.
“Please open your books to page 34” Gasping quietly I looked around realizing that, in my rush to come here I never went back to get my books.
“Here” The blonde smiled pushing the book between us very slowly so that the teacher wouldn’t notice.

The class could not have gone any slower, there was nothing that the teacher could say or do that could keep my mind focused. All I could think about was the person I left behind, and it was pathetically sad, and I knew that, which makes it worst. His voice, his smile, his giggle haunted my every other thought, the other ones though was tormented by Eiri Yuki’s hints and pushes towards me being... being…

“Stand” My head picked up from behind my hair curtain as the female teacher’s soft voice cut through my thoughts. I stood up quickly collecting my thoughts enough to listen to the teachers’ usual closing of class.
Bowing gently I sighed feeling the top of my uniform shift strangely due to the fact it was cut with that knife earlier.
‘I’m glad no one said anything so far about this…’ Standing straight I ran my fingers through my hair as the teacher waved goodbye to everyone and than gathered her things.
“Alright come on and spill the beans girl” Air yanked on the cuff of my school uniform hard enough to pull me in the seat than placed her hands on my shoulder forcing me to face her. She blinked her head tilting to the side her highlights flashing in the sunlight as she peered at my clothes.
“What happened there?”
Turning the tear away from her I shook my head.
“Nothing really, it got caught in a fence” I lied quickly my eyes bowing away from hers as I stared at my lap. She kept quiet for a few seconds as I saw her shrug from the corner of my eyes.
“Fine, than what else happened to you?”
“N-nothing. Shindou…was everything I ever imagined” My cheeks flushed as I mentioned his formal last name once again, it wasn’t pleasant, lying like this, trying to hide the encounters I had, but my secrets had to be kept. And she knew this her blue-grey eyes bore into me like she was trying to read my mind and find the truth that was being kept from her.
“Please don’t ask anything else Air, I don’t really want to talk about it”
Her whole body pulled back like something just scared her, her eyes not mirroring a curious girl, but a girl worried about someone she cared about.
“Im fine, stop looking at me like that” Its funny, the teacher’s have such a wonderful sense of timing, another came in for the next class before Air could speak up once again. Even stranger when class began she fell quiet, it was highly irregular, because she was usually very chatty and nosey about my business. Shaking my head I put the thought away looking down at our shared book about math. It was not good to dwell, and I had to try a lot harder to concentrate on this class, since I was so horrible at it. The teacher continued to drone on his back turned to us as he wrote equations and things on the board. The words though never stuck, after a while in the class my heart began to race as an overwhelming sense of depression filled my mind. But what was really weird was, I don’t think it was my own depression that caused it.

Like I was pulling someone else’s emotions into my own heart allowing their sadness to fester inside of me. Gasping softly I placed a hand over my chest hoping that I could cradle this pain.
‘What’s going on…Why do I feel worried…scared and upset all at the same time?...’ Than suddenly the sound of the sliding door brought my moistening eyes to front where there stood an older looking boy. Not in our uniforms, but in a bright yellow sweater and a dark pair of pants. And on his head there was a dark blue hat that said ‘Bad’ on it which hid the messy dark green hair which poked out from under it. But you couldn’t see his eyes, for some odd reason he was wearing sunglasses inside the building…
“Excuse me you can’t just come into my classroom like th-“
“I’m looking for a girl by the name of Allegra Pika” He said happily his head moving around like he was scanning the classroom. Shifting in my seat uneasily I had no clue what was going on, I never met this person and he knew my name and was looking for me…? Turning to Air I heard her gasp quietly her blue-ish eyes widening like she saw a ghost.
“What for?”
“Oh wait there she is! Hi Al!” Blinking my eyes were brought to the front as the mysterious person cried my nickname and skipped down the aisle towards me.
“Don’t worry teacher-lady, its an emergency! And she’ll be back as soon as she’s allowed to!” With a wide childish grin as if saying, ‘trust me?’, he stood there in front of my desk holding his hand out.
“Pika-san do you know this boy?” I wanted to cry out, ‘no no no!’, but his aura was peaceful, calming, and even though I had no way to realize this, but he had the power to calm me down…
“Yes…” I murmured calmly taking his less than lukewarm hand. Suddenly the pressure in my chest and my heart lifted as I stood standing in the protective area beside the mysterious man. I could hear my best friend groan quietly from her seat, loud enough for me to hear but not the teacher.
“May I be excused Senshi?” Her tongue clicked in her mouth annoyed at this huge disturbance, her eyes shifting looking at the man than me.
“Im sure she wont mind!” He laughed nervously pulling my arm gently to drag me down the aisle slowly. The class was quiet as I tried my best to give a genuine smile at the teacher, but it felt so fake that Im sure everyone could see right straight through me. The man pulled me closer and squeezed my hand gently for some reason, in what I guess was comfort before he suddenly yanked on it.
“SCRAMBLE!” I cried in surprise out as he pulled me quickly down the walkways towards the still open doorframe. The whole class went up in uproar as I was yanked outside into the empty hallways our feet echoing in a quick rhythm. Wincing I felt my wrist being tugged as we scrambled down the hallway towards the main doors.
‘Who is this person!? Better question why am I following him?’ My mind was racing, my more intelligent and sensible side screaming,
‘God knows he maybe planning to take you and rape you! Get away!’

We raced out the doors down the steps into the bright and warm sky before the stranger would let go of my hand. His pace was still quick as he moved in front of me heading into the streets, his hands reaching for his head. And although my mind was still screaming at me, my heart said follow. There was nothing though that could deter me from sensing that this person meant me no harm, and in following him I could prove that.
‘What…is that?’ My thoughts were interrupted as the male’s hand touched his hat gripping it as he began to pull it off. In doing so the green hair that he had suddenly turned…pink?
“NEEE Kumagomo! Do you think Shu-chan will be very happy now?” I blinked in almost disbelief as this pink thing was taken off the green topped head slowly formed into the image of the famous Kumagomo, of Ryuichi Sakuma.
“…I don’t believe this…Your-Your”
He turned pulling his glasses off with his free hand his dark blue eyes blinking curiously at me.
“…Sakuma-san” Managing to gasp his name I realized why Air was so stunned in the class room. She knew it was him. Sakuma laughed cheerfully as his arm raised swinging his pink plush in the air.
“HAI HAI! And your Allegra who ran away-e-yay and made Shu-chan sad!” His blue eyes blinked at me as I stopped dead in my steps my eyes widening at him.
“Yea, Shindou was so upset he couldn’t do his sparkling! He was worried about you” My teeth clutched as my hand found its way to my neck the pain and sensations flooding back into me.
“Ah, I see, he marked ya with the special nippies!” He giggled skipping to me than racing around.
“Kumagomo likes to nippy too ne?”
‘He was worried about me…’ I could almost feel the hot tears welling up into my eyes as I felt more pain press against my heart.
‘…But…what about…Yuki?’ His cruel golden eyes still bore into me, his voice loud and clear in my mind, he hated me. And he did not want me anywhere near his lover…My muse.
“Sakuma-san…I cant…”
“Can’t what?” Ryuichi tilted his plush to face him as they blinked at each other.
“…I can’t-I cant go back after Yuki-san told me to stay Shu-er Shindou-san!!” It was a stupid reason to stay away, but I fought my way to Japan to be closer to him, and if anything happened to him…especially because of me…how could I forgive myself.

My body bowed to give the familiar Japanese apology stance.
“Im sorry…Sakuma-san, please, tell him I’m sor-ryyyyy!” Suddenly there was air combing through my hair, nothing under my feet, and Kumagomo in my arms.
“I must bring the one they call Al to Shu!” I felt his arm on my waist as I rested there on his shoulder staring at the school as Sakuma Ryuichi carried me to Goddess only knows where.
“Let me go let me go!” Wiggling on his shoulder my body shook feeling very sick about the lukewarm sensation of skin he has. Like the taste of warm soda, it made my stomach turn.
“We must deliver a present a present a present, we must deliver a present to the Shin-dou!” He sang walking out of the school gates and by the street.
“Where are we going?” Yes it was a stupid question, but as I was being tossed in some car, it was a textbook kidnapping rape scenario. Sitting up in the plush seats the singer smiled leaning in to pluck his plush from my arms than pulled away to shut the door.
“Oh, so this is the girl that got Shindou all worked up over?” As I was clicking on the seatbelt I lifted my head to see a purple haired girl smile at me from the drivers side seat.
“Oh my god, your Noriko Ukai!” My jaw was dropping as Ryuichi slipped into the passenger side seat giving her thumbs up.
“Ready!” The girl grinned resting back in the seat putting her dark sunglasses on her face and revved the engine.
“OH YEA, FEEL IT PURR!” Suddenly I was pressed against the back of the seat as she hit the gas, making the car fly down the streets. And with the speed that we were going, I couldn’t tell which way we were going without getting dizzy. Laying against the side of the car I could hear Noriko and Ryuichi chat in the front seats.
“Ryu shes looking a bit pale”
“She got special nips!” He answered happily as we turned again down another street.
“Please, I cannot meet Shindou again…Yuki-san will be angry. Im sure that’s what its about, being bitten. Please, just, just let me deal on my own” I pleaded my body now shaking with fear and anxiety. And with no warning the tires shrieked loudly as she slammed on the brakes stopping in front of a large office looking building. Staring out the window I felt my breath going sparse again, panic setting in as Sakuma-san and Ukai-san climbed out of the car and moved over to my side.
‘How can I face him…After I walked out the way I did…?’ They opened my door and stood beside it as I slowly stepped out into the sunlight once again. It was strangely ironic how we walked into the building, them in front and beside me like I was a criminal going to execution. That’s how it felt though, even if my executioner was my muse, my God, Shindou Shuichi.

“We’re here at the studio”
“SHU-CHAN!” They opened up a door and sitting there on rolling seats was the boys of Bad Luck, and in the center, was Shuichi…They’re eyes turned to the door, as their singer moved back from his backwards position on the chair getting up.
“Allegra! Your back!” He cried racing over his white shirt flapping with the wind at his speed. Stopping in front of Sakuma he clutched his hands tears in his large loving eyes.
“Thank you Sakuma-san! I don’t know what I can do to repay you!” The Nittle Grasper singer blinked in thought his Kumagoro stroking his cheek than with a grin he raised a finger.
“LIFETIME SUPPLY OF THE NEWEST SOUL CALIBER GAMES!” The two grinned at each other for a couple of seconds like they were communicating through their body signals. Than in dramatic flair they tossed arms around each other’s shoulder bursting out in mechanical laughs.
“Why do I get stuck in a group full of idiots?” Fujisaki murmured crossing his arms over his chest next to a serious looking tall man with glasses in a suit.
Turning I saw Hiro come up running his fingers through his thick dark red hair in a lazy manner.
“I don’t get it, you act like you don’t want to leave us. And when you get to stay at Shuichi’s place, a wonderful chance to roll around in his bed, and what do you do, you run away. Why?” Suddenly everyone turned quiet in the room, their eyes turning to me full of questions. Shindou slowly let go of Sakuma stepping forward making my heart stop as he locked his eyes with mine.
‘What I wouldn’t give to hide, and run away…’ I swallowed gently to fight against the sudden bout of a dry throat, as he sighed his eyes softening.
“…Why did you run off…? I-I was worried about you” My cheeks blushed as my mouth opened and spoke on its own.
“I know…I could feel it” Suddenly he was a step closer, his eyes glittering down at me, his breath almost at my skin…I wanted to toss my arms around him, wanted to cry, to feel his wonderfully cool yet warm skin against mine…
Biting my lip slightly I knew if I said anything about Yuki’s threat, he might hate me.
‘Yuki, is his lover, his mate, and I’m just…I’m just a fan’
“You coul- Shuichi…You didn’t” Hiro said, the sound of his disfavor for the idea coming loud in clear in his tone. The guitarist groaned putting his hand on his forehead tilting his head back.
“She was going to die Hiro, what else could I have done?” He hissed sending him a determined and nasty glare.
“What did you do to me Shindou…?” Wrapping my arms around myself I closed my eyes shaking with fear of what the answer could be. Gasping I blushed opening my eyes suddenly feeling Shindou’s arms around me.
“I’m sorry” He murmured softly.
“I couldn’t stand seeing anyone die because of our stupid problem…I just…couldn’t help it. I gave you my blood...I gave you life-as a vampire” I stopped shaking as I lifted my head staring up into his purple eyes confusion racking my mind.
“Is that why-“
He nodded cutting me off, “You have been feeling upset all morning, I felt it. And when I saw you were gone you probably felt me being upset. I was worried that you ran off in fear or something…” Tears fell from my eyes as I felt my hands unconsciously clutch onto his white shirt with the rush of needing to stay this close to him.
“Im sorry Shindou-san…I didn’t want to, but I just had to for my own reasons” I babbled crazily spouting a mix of lies and truth.
“Please forgive me, I never meant to hurt you!”
“So, why did you run off?” Shuichi asked again his voice vibrating through my body from his chest.
“I cant say” But before anyone else could speak we all jumped hearing the door to the Recording Studio being kicked open. I cried out hugging onto the safe body of my muse, the flashes of the night before replaying in my mind.
“Oh, Hi Mr. K” Blinking I turned around still attached to Shuichi, and saw a tall blonde man walk in dressed in a white dress shirt and pants, a gun carried on his back. His blue eyes blinked at me his lips curling up in a grin.
“Uh-oh Shuichi-kun’s cheating on the wonderful Eiri Yuki!!” He laughed playfully putting his hand on his hip.
“THAT’S NOT HOW IT IS!!” The singer cried his arms flailing around enough to exaggerate his words. Blushing I let go of him pushing back my messy black hair as the blonde known as Mr. K walked up to Shuichi.
“Well aren’t you going to introduce me?”
“Mr. K that is Allegra Pika, she’s the girl I told you about that fainted” Fujisaki introduced with a smile. Than holding a hand out to Mr. K he grinned.
“And that’s Mr. K, our-“
”Manager” I finished meekly holding my hand out to shake his.
“Yea…And that’s Mr. Sakano-“ He hesitantly continued eyeing me slightly with his brown eyes.
“The producer”
“How do you know that, you just met them?” Hiro asked curiously his eyes batting as he picked his guitar back up.
“I love you guys, I know who are your bosses-“ Suddenly there was a soft melody that was heard throughout the room.
“Is that a cell phone?” I asked looking around.
“Oh yea! Shindou-san, here you go you left it in the car!” K pulled out a small cell phone the muffled song now forming into the hot Nittle Grasper song, No Virtual! Shuichi cheered happily grabbing the phone, “That’s Yuki’s song!” He cried pushing a button and putting the item to his ear.
“Hai, Yuki-kun? What is it you want me to come home now? Because Ill drop every-“

The singer’s face went pale as he suddenly stopped talking. His face started dropping his eyes widening like he saw a ghost.
“Yea…Ill tell them…You be careful…” Taking the phone from his ear Shuichi’s eyes clouded with worry. He was so honest and innocent, his eyes and face gave away that something horrible just happened.
“Shu, what happened?” Ryu asked pushing himself over in the wheeled chair.
Slowly he murmured, “Yuki’s brother, Tatsuho, has been kidnapped by the rouges”

Authors Notes:
Poor Al^^ She’s just being put on an emotional roller coaster! I hope you enjoyed my angsty like chapter! *hugs her Kumagoro* This chapter, obviously was to show how Allegra tries to deal without being with him, but through the force of vampire’s blood, and a bit of Gravitation love, she cant deal. Its sad. But on a brighter note you gotta love the random Ryu and his Soul Caliber obsession, and I totally loved putting in Noriko, even if its just for this chapter or so. Shes a lot of fun in the manga!

Anyway, so who are these rouges? What is Al going to do now that she found living without Shuichi is almost impossible? What about Yuki? And where is Tatsuho at, and why was he taken? ^^
Stay tuned for Sheet 4!

gravitation, shuichi, yuki, fanfiction, vampire

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