(no subject)

Aug 20, 2006 18:08

Looks like my school desktop monitor's busted.


It'll work for about a minute, and show the computer going through all the startup motions, then just go black. The speakers still spit out sound, but there's no picture after the Windows "Welcome" screen appears. I think one of the connector pins on the plug (the end that goes into the computer) is missing. How and when it happened I have no goddamn clue, because the fucking thing's been sitting in the fucking box all fucking summer and worked just fine up til the minute I unplugged it before packing it away in May.

For a replacement, I'm looking at at least $160. *headdesk* So much for saving and thriftily spending the money I earned at work over the summer. Unless I want to have my parents buy a new one then not get anything for Christmas this year.

At least I have lappy. *cuddles ShineGreymon* :( But I don't want to depend on it for normal use because the hard drive is so small (40 GB).

computer, bitching

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