(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 18:08

I just got an e-mail from NKU's spam filtering system with 69 messages recorded on it, all from earlier this week, and all of the same "OMG BUY OUR CHEAP SOFTWARE" or "OMG INVEST IN THIS STOCK" sort. WTF spam?!

When I was walking back from Lit & Film today, these two idiots in A-Wing were hanging out the windows of the second floor lobby and shouting stuff at me. I didn't even hear most of what they were saying, something about me having a big booty (nothing new; I LIKE my big ass, thankyouverymuch). Then they ducked behind the window and started laughing loud enough for me to hear when I glanced over at them, like they thought I wouldn't notice. Bitchplz. I went inside Kentucky lobby to check my mail and they came out, and surprise surprise it was a pair of stupid-looking wannabe cool frat boys.

WHY do guys do stupid shit like that? Did they think I'd be impressed, run up to them, and profess my undying love for them or something? I thought of asking the RA at the desk to yell at them, but idiot frat boys are SO not worth it.


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