72 Truths About Me

Jul 27, 2005 00:09

There was a 100-truths meme floating around a bit ago... but it's too late and I'm way too lazy and uninteresting to come up with 100 things about me. xD So, here are 72 Truths About Me.

1. Contrary to how it seem, my favourite book is NOT one of the Harry Potter ones. It's a toss-up between The BFG by Roald Dahl and The Color Purple by Alice Walker.
2. Once I find a book I like, I'll re-read it endlessly.
3. I've read the 4th Harry Potter book around 30 times. *koff*
4. My favourite candy is Cherry Twizzlers Pull N' Peel.
5. I have never had, nor attempted to obtain, a drivers' license.
6. I've never had a job (though it's not for lack of trying).
7. My personality now is almost the complete opposite of how I was in high school.
8. I've always unashamedly been a teachers' pet. I still keep in contact with 2 of my teachers from high school.
9. I'm allergic to chocolate.
10. Besides Ron, my favourite characters from Harry Potter all start with "M"- McGonagall, Mundungus, and Mad-Eye Moody.
11. I'm raising 5 Chao at the same time on the video game Sonic Adventure 2. Their names are Rusty, Chappy, Peaches, Dino, and Elvis. They are my babies.
12. I've had 2 dogs in my lifetime. The first one got stolen and we never found her, and the second one's still alive and well.
13. My favourite animal is the fish.
14. I'm not really sure why I spell some things the British way (ie favourite, colour, etc.); I just started doing it and have never stopped.
15. I really have quite a filthy mouth, and don't realize it most of the time. I've let loose "hell" and "fuck" in front of my professors before.
16. I collect a number of odd things- foreign-language Harry Potter books, stuffed animals, Digimon toys, Pokémon toys, and owls (as in owl statues, glass owls, etc.), to be precise.
17. I must be lying down or I can't fall asleep. This means I'm lovely company on long road trips.
18. I like screaming at the TV. Hey, my Reds need to be told they suck!
19. I love singing in the shower- which is why I have a shower radio, to drown it out. ;)
20. I have a strange aversion to wearing sandals. I HATE wearing them, and I can't really explain why. I wear shoes all the time, even in weather like this.
21. I have enough t-shirts in my closet to wear a different one every day for a month (or longer; I haven't counted exactly), yet only 5 pairs of shorts, 5 pairs of jeans, and one pair of shoes.
22. I'm the only one out of my family that doesn't make a lot of noise in my sleep. Both of my brothers talk in their sleep, and my parents snore (my ma especially), but the most I do is saw logs/moan on occasion.
23. I've never broken a bone.
24. I was raised to be a devout, unashamed Reds and Bengals fan, and instructed to stick by them, no matter how badly they suck.
25. Technically, I've been an aunt since before I was born. My dad (who's 66, BTW) had 3 kids with his first wife, and my half-sister has a daughter who's 3 years older than me.
26. I was 14 years old before I finally saw the original "Star Wars" for the first time.
27. My first computer was an ancient Mac Performa. It couldn't go beyond system 7.0 for an OS, nor install any version of AOL higher than 4.0. We had it for about 5 years before replacing it.
28. I despise calling people on the phone, and will take desperate measures to avoid doing so. (Seriously, I think online pizza ordering is one of the greatest ideas ever, because I can't even call in a pizza without getting extremely nervous.)
29. I have a selective hatred of cheese. Pizza, macaroni and cheese, and Cheese Nips are about all I can stand. I won't touch cheeseburgers, cheese-filled meats, etc. etc., because the mere smell/taste of cheese makes me feel ill. I have no idea why I hate cheese so much, either.
30. As with cheese, I hate coconut to the point where even the smell of it makes me ill.
31. I've taken to slopping everything with A1. I've even had it on cantaloupe. (It's quite good on White Castle burgers, BTW.)
32. I have an unusual way of walking. I've examined myself and found that I take short strides considering how long my legs are, and scuff my feet every 7th or 8th step. I also scuff my right foot more often than my left, so consequently my right shoe always wears out faster than my left.
33. I'm a pretty picky eater. Besides the aforementioned cheese and coconut hatreds, I also dislike: tomatoes, pickles and any product that comes from them, raw onions (I'll eat cooked, though), peppers of any strength, and any sort of dressing, among other things.
34. I hate tomatoes and pickles, but love ketchup and cucumbers. Go fig.
35. As a general rule, the only type of soda I'll drink is cola. The one notable exception to this rule is Mountain Dew Pitch Black. *melts*
36. My favourite Disney movie is Aladdin.
37. As many of you know, I have twin older brothers. However, the unusual thing is they're fraternal (I thought twins of the same gender were always identical). Also, in spite of this fact, nobody can tell them apart.
38. My family has a tendency to repeat letters in names. For instance, I have a cousin whose family has all L names. My parents' first initials, D and J, were passed on to my brothers
. However, I'm the odd mon out, being an M.
39. Part of the reason I've never had a job is I volunteer at my old elementary school every summer. My mum works there (she's the health aide), and I help her and the secretary get the school closed down for the summer and up and running for the new school year.
40. I've never learned how to ride a bike.
41. My ma used to work for the accounting department at the McDonald's corporate office in Chicago, and still owns many shares of stock in the company.
42. I've never been out of this country, nor any further West than St. Louis.
43. I've had glasses since I was in 4th grade.
44. I have never smoked, as cigarette smoke bothers my lungs too much.
45. Speaking of cigarettes, I know of someone whose actual, legal name is Cigarette, and goes by it, too.
46. I have to be cuddling something as I fall asleep, or I just can't sleep.
47. I'm the type of person that tries my damndest to show up on time or early to anything, because I get agitated if I'm even a minute late.
48. I am very physically disorganized, yet like having some sort of schedule/order to budget my time with. If I ever have unexpected extra time during the day, I'm never sure what to do with myself.
49. I have very ecletic taste in music. I'll listen to anybody from the Beatles to Jimi Hendrix to Shania Twain to Britney Spears. The notable exceptions are bluegrass, non-pop country, and rap.
50. I prefer listening to Reds and Bengals games on the radio to watching them on TV. I'm not sure why.
51. Generally I'm a nice and passive person, but I do have a threshold, and when I reach it, I have no problem telling people when I think they're being unfair/overly-bitchy/out-of-line. It's cost me several groups of friends, mostly because they didn't want to admit that I was right.
52. Whenever I'm on a creative spurt, I'll sit and write/make graphics/etc., literally for hours on end 'til it burns out.
53. I need about 7 hours of sleep a day, preferably more, to function at 100%.
54. I do not plan on having kids- primarily because I'd pass so much bad crap onto them. Bad eyesight, hypertension, cancer, heart problems, and thyroid problems all run in my family on both sides, and Alzheimer's comes from my ma's side, too.
55. My eyesight, which was stable for a while, is starting to deteriorate again. I was told I might need bifocals in a year or two, and I already have some trouble reading distant things.
56. My favourite TV shows are "Will & Grace", "Nanny 911", and "Daria".
57. My secret ambition is to become a voice actor- which is, to the curious ones I know offline, why you'll often hear me doing little routines or just holding normal conversations with weird voices.
58. Due to #57, when I'm by myself I'll often read books aloud and give voice to all of the characters. I find odd voices (like Gollum) or more androgynous voices to be easier, as my natural voice is pretty androgynous.
59. My favourite songs of all time are "American Pie" by Don McLean, "Hey Jude" by the Beatles, and "Stairway To Heaven" by Led Zeppelin.
60. I've always wanted to learn how to play either the guitar or the piano (specifically rock piano style), but never had time and money to.
61. I used to get mistaken for a boy all the time before I hit puberty, because I was a total tomboy and wore my hair short.
62. My favourite foods are fried chicken, pizza, and steak.
63. If I had to choose one famous person to marry, it would be Josh Groban.
64. If I were a Disney character, I'd want to be Stitch.
65. My friends all tell me I have the patience of a saint, and I guess that's true. I'll take a lot of grief from somebody before I put my foot down- but, as mentioned above, I'm not afraid to put my foot down when I reach my threshold.
66. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people change the settings on my radio, computer, etc., especially when it's a "perfect" setup.
67. I tend to give nicknames to inanimate objects. For instance, my computer and accessories are all named after Digimon- my computer is Flamon, my printer Strabimon, and my external hard drive is Koji. My cell phone is called "my precious".
68. I have a tendency to give a little half-nod whenever I say "thanks" to someone. My brothers find this greatly amusing.
69. I like having noise on when working on something, be it a meme like this, a paper, or some sort of graphic, etc. If I'm working on a paper, for instance, I'll pop in a concert CD/DVD and let it run through.
70. I love to read before I go to bed. Currently I'm rereading through the Artemis Fowl series to wind down after HBP.
71. My favourite characters from books/TV/movies have a tendency to die or permanently leave in some fashion. BlackWarGreymon from Digimon, Dinobot from Beast Wars, and *self-censors* from Artemis Fowl all fall into this category.
72. I used to be a pretty light sleeper, but keep getting deeper and deeper over the years. I literally almost slept through a fire alarm once. (ruinrunner82 probably remembers that one...)

I also want to show off a graphic I made today that I think thruthewardrobe especially will enjoy:

And one I made of Sirius that I'm also proud of:

meme, graphics

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