30 Days of Power Rangers - Day 2

Dec 03, 2010 13:33

2. Favorite season?

Does anybody even need to ask? Seriously? S.P.D., by far. I admit, I hated it the first time I watched a few episodes, but I gave it another chance and totally fell in love with the characters and the story. It makes me sad that a good chunk of the fandom seems to hate it (I never have been able to determine why), because despite its plot holes and flaws, I thought it had some great character development and some powerful moments for a childrens' TV series. The acting was generally great all around despite the often-corny/bad source material, and you get a sense that they genuinely gave a crap and wanted to make a good show.

1) How did you get into PR?
2) Favorite season
3) Favorite Team
4) Favorite Male Ranger
5) Favorite Female Ranger
6) Favorite sixth Ranger
7) Favorite Color Ranger
8) Favorite formerly evil Ranger
9) Favorite Villain
10) Favorite redeemed villain
11) Favorite villain henchmen
12) Favorite villain sidekick
13) Favorite Monster of the Week
14) Favorite Mentor
15) Favorite Support Staff
16) Favorite Supporting character
17) Favorite Couple (canon)
18) Favorite Couple (fanon)
19) Favorite friendship
20) Favorite Teamup
21) Favorite HQ
22) Favorite Earth Location
23) Favorite non-Earth location
24) Favorite Zord
25) Favorite Uniforms
26) Favorite morph call/sequence
27) Favorite Morpher
28) Favorite under a spell
29) Favorite storyarc/episode
30) Favorite finale

meme, power rangers

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