(no subject)

Jan 28, 2010 00:44

Last year, I was all excited about going to PowerMorphicon, but now that registration is open and memberships are available for purchase... I'm not sure anymore. I really, really wanna meet Matt Austin and Chris Violette in person, but I have to weigh that against the costs. I'd need to pay for a registration, a hotel room, food, and a plane ticket- and considering that I only work part-time and make less than $10 an hour, that's looking less and less feasible without wiping out my savings.

There's also the fact that as far as I know, nobody I know well is planning on attending, and I do not feel comfortable flying out to California and staying there by myself, even for the con.

Lastly, I've fallen out of love with Power Rangers again, pretty much (which has likely been telegraphed by the fact that most of my fandom-related posts nowadays are FIREFLY FIREFLY CASTLE CASTLE FIREFLY). I stopped watching RPM about halfway through and just can't muster up the desire to see the rest, I haven't written any fic for months, worked on Rangerwiki, or anything. My only attachment to it currently is playing Bridge and Sky at edensphere, and that doesn't seem to justify my spending that much money on the con and taking a registration slot from someone who really, really wants to be there.

So yeah, I think I'm gonna sit this one out. Maybe save up and go to a Browncoat con or CastleCon instead.

It kinda hurts to think that Power Rangers doesn't mean much to me anymore, considering how much S.P.D. has changed my life. I still love it, I still love Bridge and Sky and will continue to play them, it will always hold a special place in my heart, but I've started moving on again.

stuff, power rangers

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