(no subject)

Jul 24, 2009 20:00

In edensphere chat, I linked them to Chris Violette's Twitter today and we discussed how incredibly awkward it would be to try and explain blue_shields to Chris beyond "he's Sky Tate and I roleplay him". Observe:

"Well, you see, he calls himself Spike because he was born naked from a cocoon with no memories except a vague dream where he saw people and places familiar to him, except nobody's face. He knows he was a Power Ranger but isn't clear on what a Power Ranger is, and there's much Ranger color confusion because I took him from post-series where he's the Red Ranger except in all of the memories he's recovered he's wearing a blue uniform. He has also seen the letters S.P.D. everywhere in his memories but as no idea what THEY mean, either.

Oh, and did I mention it's a multifandom game so he has all kinds of interesting relationships? His captain is Yoruichi from Bleach, he sees Sam Vimes from Discworld as a mentor figure, Harry Potter is like a little brother to him, one of his closest female friends is Selphie from Final Fantasy 8, oh yes, and did we mention that he's also friends with Phoenix Wright, and Wolverine, yes the X-Men Wolverine? Oh yes, and his girlfriend's a professional space hooker and a very lovely woman, to boot. (With excellent cleavage, as la_belle_roo would like us to remember.)"


edensphere, useless entry is useless

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