(no subject)

Jul 08, 2009 12:23

You know, last night in ES chat I worried that I was starting to lose Bridge's voice, and privately worried that I was losing Spike's, too. I haven't written any S.P.D. fanfic for months, either, which was really bumming me out.

Aha, it's only taken watching the first episode for 10 minutes to bring it all back. ♥ I've been so busy going nuts over Firefly that I've forgotten how much I truly love S.P.D. and how much it meant and still does mean to me. I love this universe and these characters. I could never leave them behind for too long.

... which isn't to say that I won't still be going nuts over Firefly, just that it hasn't replaced S.P.D. in my heart.

stuff, spd, power rangers

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