(no subject)

Apr 20, 2009 22:43

So, it's Matt Austin's birthday today. And though I know he barely knows of my existence and will never read this, I still want to say it.

You're my hero, Matt. Some may think I use the term too lightly, but you truly, honestly mean a lot to me. You helped pull me out of a very dark time in my life, simply by virtue of being my favorite actor and writing me a simple e-mail, and you have been one of my biggest inspirations since then. It's thanks to you that I've met a group of amazing friends, through a shared love of your character and the universe he inhabits, and the extended universe he is a part of, and the RPG I play him in. I've had some rough times since then and lost a few of those friends, but those experiences have changed me for the better.

I still have hope that, someday, I can tell you this in person.

Thanks, Matt. Happy birthday.

stuff, matt, birthday

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