(no subject)

Mar 26, 2009 12:21

I've finally decided to make a list of my S.P.D. headcanon, or at least the stuff I can think of right now. I may update this later.

And yes, I know this overwhelmingly focuses on Bridge and Sky. They are my favorite characters so I write and study them the most. Deal.

-I've included this in RangerWiki, but it's worth repeating. In "Idol", Sky mentions that he and Dru started out at the Academy "years ago" and developed a close relationship before Dru got sent off, three years before the series began. Therefore, Sky arrived at S.P.D. sometime during the year 2022 or before; I'm guessing he's been at S.P.D. for at least four years, or since he was 16 (if one follows the Jetix website, which gave his age as 20). Probably even longer, since he claims he's been training since he was a little kid to become the Red Ranger.
-Based on Bridge's reaction to Dru (i.e. pissy), I'm pretty sure they knew each other, so Bridge had to have gotten there before he left and knew him long enough to dislike him. So I'm pegging Bridge's arrival at around 4 years before the series began as well, putting him at age 13 or 14 (based on his Jetix age of 17) or 16-18 (going by canon evidence, which pegs his age at 20 or 21) when he joined.
-Syd's Jetix age was given as 18, but it was also never said WHICH birthday she was therefore celebrating in Stakeout (her 18th or 19th). She also didn't seem to know who Dru was, so she arrived after he left. Kat mentions in Beginnings pt. I that she, Sky and Bridge have been on simulator training for 2 years, so she's been there at least that long. This would put Syd at 15 or 16 when she joined S.P.D. And yes, we're supposed to believe she became an accomplished singer, model and was 3-time world champion fencer all by the age of 16 at latest (unless she did some of that in the middle of her training? idk)
-Going by the Jetix ages, Jack was born in 2006, Sky in 2005, Z in 2008, and Syd either in 2006 or 2007, depending on whether she was celebrating her 18th or 19th birthday in Stakeout. Bridge is the only Ranger whose birth year is confirmed, as in Wormhole, when they go back to 2004 he says he was "just born last week". So yes, they are still babies in the present time ♥

-Bridge says in Zapped that he doesn't know what day to celebrate his birthday on, nor his astrological sign. By personality, I myself have him down as a Pisces on the cusp of Aquarius, putting his birthday around February 17th, 18th or 19th.
-Bridge was raised almost entirely by his mother; his father abandoned them when Bridge was very small, around the time they discovered his powers, as he was ashamed, wanted a "normal" son and didn't want to be associated with him. (And yes, I may include this concept in a fic some day...) As a result, Bridge and his mama are very close.
-Bridge's mother was the parent who worked for S.P.D. on the experiment that made B-Squad's powers. She thus feels responsible for him having such a difficult childhood, something she carries an immense amount of guilt for.
-When Bridge was a baby and small child, he was first thought to be very colicky- he cried a lot, even though there was rarely anything apparent for him to be upset about. This is because his powers were active from birth and made him see and hear a lot of things his mind wasn't yet developed enough to process.
-As an extension of the above, Bridge was very slow to develop speech (even as an adult, he has difficulty articulating himself, so learning how to talk at all was probably an enormous challenge) and often shied away from touching and physical contact, and was even thought to be autistic before S.P.D. revealed to the B-Squad's parents that their children were likely to be mutants. By and by, they discovered that covering his hands suppresses his powers. And once he did learn how to talk, he never shut up. ;)
-His mother was vehemently opposed to him joining S.P.D. at first, fearing that he would just get hurt (or even worse, participate in more experiments), but eventually relented.
-The reason Bridge came to S.P.D. in the first place was, more than anything, he wanted to find somewhere to belong. As a child, he was physically and verbally bullied a lot because of his powers and due to having to wear his gloves all the time. He himself often felt like an outcast and like nobody understood him.
-Because he was bullied, he developed some of his personality quirks and offbeat manner more as a defense mechanism than anything.
-Bridge has studied computer programming and often helps Boom and Kat with computer maintenance around the Delta Base (this was kindasorta implied in canon, but never really shown).

-Sky was such a daddy's boy that he and his mother were never really close. He never visits her or talks to her as much as he feels he should, which he feels incredibly guilty about.
-Like Bridge's mother, Sky's mom did not want him to join S.P.D., fearing he'd meet the same fate as his dad, but eventually changed her mind when she realized he would never be truly happy unless he joined. Nearly every day, she fears that she's going to get that dread phone call or visit telling her that Sky was killed in action.
-Every year on the anniversary of his father's death, Sky visits his grave and leaves a single red rose.
-As a toddler, Sky did not have control of his powers; as a result, whenever he threw temper tantrums, he'd make random shields and could cause quite a lot of destruction.
-Post-series, Sky became a lot happier and looser, but always carried a tiny bit of guilt that he only became Red because Jack left.
-He also became very good friends with Z post-series, and she gladly took up his former position as **WARNING: TVTROPES LINK, WILL EAT YOUR TIME AND YOUR SOUL** the Lancer of the team.
-When named Commander of Earth, he inherited Doggie's Shadow Ranger powers, as Doggie did not want them to go to waste, and Sky is one of the few people he trusted to use them well and honorably.

-When Sky moved up to Commander and Bridge became Red Ranger, Z took up the position of Blue Ranger and second-in-command, after some encouragement from her friends.
-I have of course written fic to this effect, but I believe that eventually Doggie retires and Sky is chosen to be Supreme Commander of S.P.D. He appoints Bridge as Commander of Earth and entrusts Shadow Ranger's powers to him; Bridge in turn selects Z to be his Red Ranger.
-No matter how many times the others moved up in rank and changed colors, Syd steadfastly refused to wear any color other than Pink; every time she was asked, she would reply, "You will get my morpher when you pry it from my cold, dead hands".

spd, fandom meta, power rangers

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