Jan 31, 2008 18:57

mariusgirl tagged me.

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"

1. I hate cheese. OK, I like pizza and some kinds of macaroni and cheese, but that's about it. I just... don't like the taste of cheese. It makes me ill.
2. My current favorite music to listen to while writing fanfic is the Dave Matthews Band Central Park and Weekend on the Rocks concert albums.
3. I'm mildly allergic to chocolate. I'm fine with milk most of the time, but anything darker than that usually makes me throw up.
4. I'm pretty badly arachophobic. Even tiny spiders set my fight-or-flight instincts going. NASTY THINGS.
5. When I eat fried chicken (and ruinrunner82 will attest to this) I pick the bone absolutely clean of breading and meat. My cousins refer to this as "Bobes-ing" the chicken, as my maternal grandfather "Bobes" did the same thing.
6. Whenever I buy a new video game, I always watch the entire intro movies and such before playing it. For good luck or... something.
7. I still do not have, nor have I ever tried to obtain my drivers' license. I've never really had a need to.

I tag ryuutchi, itsbuttery, angel_negra, ruinrunner82, sisterelwood, dreadpiratekurt and celiloquy.


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