Interview meeeeme

Jan 27, 2008 22:46

Answering two sets of questions. If you want me to interview you, comment!

From lttledvl_writes:
1) What the heck is that PR Code?
I found it in KK's profile and filled it out. *g* It's a code to show my favorite things about PR- like 'ships, characters, so on. If you click here and copy/paste the code, it'll be spelled out.

2) If you could do any one thing in the world, what would it be?
Hmm, this is a toughie. By "doing any one thing" as in occupation, I'd love to be a professional voice actress, but while I can do funny voices I can't act, which kind of puts a damper on that idea.

3) Even though you’re not currently practicing it, what drew you to Buddhism?
The long and short of it is "it makes sense to me". :) I still have not entirely discounted Christianity, but Buddhism fits my personal belief patterns and ways of thinking much better.

4) If your significant other confessed that they cheated on you, but realized that they’d done wrong and really loves you, would you give them a second chance or ditch them? Explain your decision.
I'm going to say "ditch them". I don't like adultery. I accept that there are circumstances under which it may be... hmm, desirable? Almost appropriate? But in most cases there's really no reason for it, and it can wreck people, families, and relationships. If I ever was cheated on, I could never trust the person again.

5) What supernatural creature do you find most interesting?
It's a tossup between dragons and werewolves. :) Dragons are just -cool- to me no matter how ya slice it, and I like werewolves because of the fact that they're human underneath being a monster. It's an interesting dynamic.

From ruinrunner82
1. What kind of pet would you like to have when you get a place of your own? Do you want any at all?
I think that after Kirby croaks, I'm going to take a break from pets for a while- even when I get a place of my own. Eventually, though, when I can afford the responsibility and have the patience for it I'd love to have a cat.

2. What is your favorite candy?
It's a tie between Cherry Pull N' Peel Twizzlers and Snickers.

3. What's your favorite website to haunt when you're bored?
I love to go to Wikipedia and article-hop. Or look at the Tv Tropes Wiki.

4. If you could have your dream vacation, where would you go?
I'd love to go someplace in Europe- specifically England or Germany.

5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? (I ran out of ideas. lol)
African or Europ- ... wait. XD

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