(no subject)

Jan 12, 2005 09:39

You're Tare Panda on the internet!

Which Tare Panda are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tare Panda is so freaking adorable!!!

In other news, my classes fucking kick ass, my teachers are all fucking awesome, and I have OATMEAL. :D

My other journal agunimon, which will be used to post my fanfiction and any and all icons I make for the Harry Potter, Simpsons, and The N (for Daria) Icon communities, will be going live soon, probably tonight once I finish my reading for Music tomorrow and crap out a few userpics for it. Friend it if for whatever reason you're interested in my fics or my icons. :p

... and I just realized my last 3 or 4 entries (at least the ones during which I was actually listening to music) all have Josh Groban songs as the music I'm listening to. I do believe he is winning the custard wrestling matches he is having with John Mayer inside my head. Which I definitely don't mind; my affection for John has severely dropped ever since that disaster known as "John Mayer Has A TV Show"...

journal, music, meme

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