(no subject)

Dec 09, 2007 13:53

We were having a nice discussion in #prfic last night that made me revise and add to my letter to Matt a lot. I think it's about ready to be mailed out tomorrow. I'm not gonna transcribe the whole thing here, as it's all handwritten in my notebook and ready to be written out nicely on nice paper, but basically it's this: I introduce myself, write for a paragraph about what I do for fandom (edit RangerWiki, make icons, write fic), write a few paragraphs about why I love PR, then...

Essentially, my last paragraph boils down to this (and it's what we discussed in chat): I'm writing to him, even though I'm a semi-closeted PR fan, because it sometimes sucks to be a grown-up and still love Power Rangers and we hope his documentary might change some minds, so I want us to have a voice. I wrote that while we do consider ourselves to be devoted PR fans, we're not prominent in fandom at all and stick to our small niche Livejournal and fanfic circles, and some (not all of us, but this sentiment seems to be common amongst our little group) of us feel like we have to hide our fandom activities from friends, family etc. A few of us, like me and KK, have the additional fear that if our hobbies are ever discovered, then we'll no longer be taken seriously as professionals and academics because of the stigma attached to being an adult Power Rangers fan, nevermind our love for slash. So I'm writing to Matt more or less because of people like us, who aren't in the big scope of fandom but are still fans and want to be heard from. I didn't name anyone except me specifically, by the way, just talked in broad terms.

Is there ANYTHING else you guys think I should put in before I edit it, copy it out all nice and purty, and send it? Please try to reply to this post by 2 PM or so on Monday the 9th, so I can write out my final draft and put it out in time for the mailman to come collect it.

Thanks for everyone's help and encouragement on this. I really appreciate it. I'm not expecting much, but I've just got a good feeling about writing to him, nervous as I am.

matt, power rangers

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