(no subject)

Aug 07, 2007 23:09

I found this 'shipping meme when I was going through and tagging some of my older entries, so I thought I'd fill it out again, since my fandom and pairing tastes have changed XD and since I have a bigger friends list this time 'round. I guess the usual meme thing applies, copy and fill out in your own journal if you are so inclined.

One True Pairing Ship(s):
Favorite Canon Ship(s):
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship:
"You are one sick bastard":
"I dabble a little":
"It's like a car crash":
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet":
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not":
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it":
"When all is said and done":

Fandom: Harry Potter
One True Pairing Ship(s): Harry/Ron, Neville/Hermione
Favorite Canon Ship(s): Ron/Hermione, Lupin/Tonks, Bill/Fleur
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship: Harry/Hermione
"You are one sick bastard": Harry/Sirius (I know people like it, but it's as good as incestuous to me, and I'm just not a fan)
"I dabble a little": Hermione/Ginny
"It's like a car crash": Crabbe/Goyle
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet": Dumbledore/McGonagall
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not": Snape/Peter Pettigrew
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it": Sirius/Lupin, Harry/Draco
"When all is said and done": Harry/Ron and Neville/Hermione

Fandom: Power Rangers SPD
One True Pairing Ship(s): Sky/Bridge, Z/Syd, Kat/Boom, Doggie/Isinia
Favorite Canon Ship(s): Doggie/Isinia
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship: None
"You are one sick bastard": Mora/Gruumm
"I dabble a little": Z/Bridge
"It's like a car crash": Broodwing/Gruumm
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet": Jack/Sky
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not": Sky/Bridge/Z, Doggie/Kat (which DID make canon sense until they BLOODY BROUGHT DOGGIE'S WIFE BACK *tantrum* ;) )
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it": Jack/Bridge
"When all is said and done": Sky/Bridge, Z/Syd, Kat/Boom, Doggie/Isinia

Fandom: Desperate Housewives
One True Pairing Ship(s): Mike/Susan, Tom/Lynette, Bree/Orson, Gabbi/Carlos
Favorite Canon Ship(s): See above, plus Andrew/Justin
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship: Susan/Karl (though I hear Richard Burgi, Karl's actor, left the show for good)
"You are one sick bastard": Art The Pedophile/anybody
"I dabble a little": Mike/Carlos
"It's like a car crash": Edie/Paul, Edie/Carlos
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet": None really
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not": Paul/Mike, Andrew/Austin
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it": Bree/Lynette (maybe not everyone, but this seems to be the most common DH slash pairing and I don't get it at all)
"When all is said and done": Mike/Susan, Tom/Lynette, Bree/Orson, Gabbi/Carlos

Fandom: Avatar
One True Pairing Ship(s): Zula/Mai/Ty Lee, bay-buh. I'm also all about Suki/Sokka, Katara/Aang, and Toph/HER OWN BADASSNESS.
Favorite Canon Ship(s): None yet
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship: None
"You are one sick bastard": Aang/Zuko
"I dabble a little": Appa/Momo
"It's like a car crash": Zula/Mai/Ty Lee
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet": Aang/Toph
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not": Suki/Toph
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it": Zuko/Katara
"When all is said and done": ZULA/MAI/TY LEE OT3

Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (manga, I haven't seen much of the anime)
One True Pairing Ship(s): Vato Falman/Barry the Chopper, Al/me (what?), Ed/Winry
Favorite Canon Ship(s): Greed/His Right Hand
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" ship: Elricest
"You are one sick bastard": Elricest
"I dabble a little": Roy/Riza
"It's like a car crash": Vato/Barry
"Tickles my fancy but not sold quite yet": Roy/Ed
"Makes no canon sense but why the hell not": Ed/Paninya
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it": Elricest
"When all is said and done": Greed/His Right Hand and Vato/Barry

shipping, meme

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