(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 14:05

Despite our best efforts, our plants in the yard are getting totally fried by the sun. :( Makes me sad, because I've been tenderly caring for them ever since we planted them in May. And the flowers phoenixelement bought me when Auntie died in April are withering away.

My parents said they woke up at about 4 AM to find a bat in their bedroom. WTF. We have no idea how it got in the house. I think it was in the basement the other day, because I heard the flapping of wings and a few crashes, but I assumed it was a huge and especially clumsy moth.

In other news, Matt Austin remains one of the cutest people I've ever seen. AND HE'S MARRIED. *SOB* Puts a big monkey wrench in my plans to seduce him.

Desperate Housewives gossip:
So according to this page, Susan is going to find out she's pregnant but rumor has it she doesn't know if it's by Ian or Mike. Gee, where have we heard the "surprise pregnancy! And we don't know the daddy either!" before...? Oh yes, BACK IN SEASON ONE WHEN THEY DID IT WITH GABBI. BAH. Why make Susan pregnant, anyway? Wouldn't she be responsible enough to use contraception when she's getting up there in age a bit?

They might be bringing back Evil!Andrew, too, so I heard. WOOP-DEE-FRICKIN'-DO. That shit was the reason I almost stopped watching during season 2 because it got really old really fast. If this season's going to be "recycle every mildly interesting plot we've used in the first three seasons", I WILL stop watching even if they do have some interesting new plots going, like Lynette's cancer. We'll see.

stuff, matt, men, gossip, heat, desperate housewives

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