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Jul 28, 2007 22:15



*ded from awesome*

-Chibi Aang vs. Chibi Zula = INSANELY CUTE. I hope this means many chibi comics or another short like "School Time Shipping" is forthcoming.
-Iroh's finally briefly seen, and he looks ragged and downcast, so I assume he's being held captive by Ozai and Zuko and Zuko's trying to convince him to join them (I can't hear what he's saying in the trailer very well). I really hope he doesn't end up dying or having a reduced role due to this...
-So... Mai/Zuko for the WTF? I knew Mai had a crush on Zuko, but he never was seen or known to be reciprocating it... we'll have to see how they explain this one. It may be genuine attraction, it may be a ploy for Zuko to try to get and stay on Zula's good side, we don't know. And it looks like, in the comics at least, they'll run into Jin, the girl from Ba Sing Se whom Zuko dated in season 2, and she won't be happy.
-Zuko seems to have been welcomed back to the Fire Nation with open arms, since he's put his hair back in the topknot and is dressed in Fire Army attire. I wonder how long that's going to last? He and Iroh were banished as traitors and had a hefty bounty on their heads, so I'm really wondering if he was genuinely welcomed back, if Ozai's fucking with him and plans to kill him, or if Ozai doesn't even know he's come back and it's all Zula's doing. I was really hoping he'd turned good, but I also have a feeling that this is his last desperate attempt to convince himself that what he wants is to be with the Fire Nation and not with the Avatar, and he may yet be turned.
-Looks like Aang's going to try the "I HAVE TO DO THIS ON MY OWN", lonely-hero thing. And hopefully Toph will pwn his ass for being stupid. In one of the character design shots, he's seen dressed in Fire Nation attire and wearing a headband, explaining why he grew his hair out- to cover up his tattoos so he can go incognito.
-Sokka seems to be training and getting some mad new fighting skillz, which is good, because he's stuck not being able to Bend and it puts him at a bit of a disadvantage. Sokka is love in so many ways. <3
-The Spirit Oasis water apparently didn't entirely heal Aang, which is interesting- he's seen covered in bandages in several shots, and Katara is seen attempting to heal the wound on his back. It's been speculated that he was actually killed by Zula while in the Avatar State at the end of season 2 (and got revived by the oasis water) so maybe this is a lingering effect?
-Looks like we get to see some more of Roku's past- he's seen as a young man, bending all 4 elements at once, and his dragon is also briefly glimpsed. Maybe we'll see if Roku played a part in the start of the war- did he help his people prepare to launch it, or did he try to stop them and get killed, causing Aang to be born?

I can't waaaait...

(crossposted and modified from my Journalfen journal)

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