(no subject)

Jul 21, 2007 21:40

I just finished Deathly Hallows... and, well, first I must say I'm glad I special-filtered my friends list, because as expected, someone trolled the Hufflepuff community with spoilers. I just love it when these people jeer about adult HP fans being losers with no life, though, because seriously- how little of a life do you have to have when you get your rocks off watching people get upset? What do they think they're accomplishing, aside a few moments of smug self-satisfaction? They're not stopping many people from reading or buying the book, so what the hell's the point?

That said, some of my initial reactions... INSANELY spoilerific, of course.

*raises Kahlua in a toast*
To Hedwig.
And all of the other good witches, wizards and creatures who died in this book. *drinks*

OK. I admit, I was firmly in the Snape-is-evil, or Snape-is-in-it-for-himself camp. Mea culpa. Anybody who has any good recipes or other ways for me to eat my words, let me know. ;)

Neville kicked ass. I loved the fact that he ended up being the one to destroy the final Horcrux- and that Ron and Hermione got their moments of glory and their chances to destroy a Horcrux each. I actually had to shut the book and cry when Ron was attempting to destroy the locket and it was basically telling him he was worthless and nobody loved him, though. That scene hit very close to home, because I saw a lot of my own fears and insecurities in it. It also explains why wearing the locket affected him so badly, because it seemed to be intent on bringing him down. He showed his true bravery, though, both there and when he came back for Harry and Hermione. I was about to throw the book down and not read the rest when he left Harry and Hermione, because I thought Jo'd gone and made him a traitor, which was my worst fear- but I forced myself to look ahead to see if he came back, and he did.

The ending was a little TOO cliched for my tastes, but then again I've read a LOT of badfic where Harry and Ginny had gotten married and had lots of sex and babies named Lily, James and Albus, so that soured me to the idea. What I wasn't expecting was Albus' middle name- Severus- but it was a nice touch. I'm also curious as to why Ron and Hermione's kids were named Rose and Hugo, because that's... kinda random. XD I also want to know who Draco ended up marrying.

It was a little shocking to discover that Snape and Lily had been best friends, and that he loved her still- many fans speculated that this was the case, but I never imagined that they were that close. Too, it explains some of why Snape was so bitter and angry toward Harry- he had to see Lily's eyes and remember her rejecting him every time he looked at Harry.

I guess nobody can really say they won the Harry Lives/Harry Dies bets, since he did both. The final battle between he and Voldemort was just amazing.

Molly? Kicked so much ass. "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" Totally cool. And she did away with Bellatrix without using a Killing Curse, which made it so much better. I kinda wish Neville had been able to punish or kill Bella, though...

The pictures in Luna's bedroom were so sweet. She considered Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Neville to be her best friends- so much so that she put up portraits of them. I was afraid she was going to bite it when it was revealed that she'd been kidnapped by Death Eaters, but she's a survivor, that one.

I was surprised and delighted at the expanded role Kreacher was given. He was shown kindness by Harry and they managed to reap the rewards of it. I really wasn't expecting that. "FOR MASTER HARRY!"

That's all for now. Phew. What an amazing ending to an amazing chapter in my life...

Anonymous and non-friend comments are still off my journal and will remain off for at least a week to prevent trolling. I know not everyone will be able to/want to read it right away.

harry potter, hp, fandom meta, deathly hallows

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