DH: "Getting Married Today"

May 20, 2007 22:46

Oh, where to start on DH tonight... -OMGWTFBBQ EDIE?!?! Seriously, WHAT THE HELL? There are already "Edie's not dead!" theories floating around, but I think Mary Alice's closing monologue made it pretty clear that she succeeded. Although Edie was a horrible person, she was ALWAYS an interesting character and always added vim, vigor and spice whenever she was onscreen. R.I.P., Edie. This fan will miss you. Also, ruinrunner82 pointed out, and I agree, that it's VERY surprising that this wasn't leaked to the media ahead of time. All that was said was a quote from Marc Cherry that they'd end the episode doing the most shocking thing they ever have... and they did deliver. WOW.
-I must also say, I commend Nicolette Sheridan and Ricardo Chavira for their mad skillz, playing the dream scene where Edie and Carlos are having sex while Edie is imagining her mother is there and conversing with her. That can't be easy to do. XD
-I was SO GLAD to see Bree and Orson again. I love their chemistry, and it was nice seeing Andrew for a brief time, too. I can see the pretend pregnancy becoming problematic, though, because they were already having trouble hiding it. I don't understand why Bree just doesn't tell her friends, at least.
-I started crying when Mike showed up in the woods to find Susan, Julie and the priest waiting for him. It was somehow so perfect and so RIGHT for those two. Mike was being so sweet, working triple overtime to try and give her what she wanted, and Susan realized her "dream wedding" was just having him there. And I agree with Julie, it was about time!
-I can already tell that Lynette's mother is going to be a great addition to the cast. The scene between her and Kayla was so deliciously evil; they will definitely get along. I hope her past doesn't affect the way she deals with Lynette's children, though. The scene where she and Lynette argued was very powerful, especially when Lynette's words and her almost-affair with Rick were thrown back in her face. I can already see the angst and problems her story is going to cause. Also, Lynette apparently hasn't told the others she has cancer... hmmm.
-I feel so bad for Gabbi. Victor really did seem like a kind, decent man when we first met him, but as Renee said, he IS a politician. I still can't believe he'd string her along like that- he and his father both. I knew she and Carlos were going to get back together eventually, and it's just so Gabbi to do it on her wedding night.
-This episode could have been longer, and in fact, I wish it was. So much was crammed in, and this doesn't feel like a FINALE the way "One Wonderful Day" and "Remember" (the last two season finales) did. This didn't really end on a cliffhanger of any sort (because, as I said, I do believe Edie is dead), and I know I'm going to have to remind myself repeatedly that there's not going to be a new episode next week.

wtf, my thoughts on dh, fandom meta, desperate housewives

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