DWTS: Ian's Elimination

May 15, 2007 22:48

Ian's elimination tonight wasn't wholly unexpected, and I predicted he'd go around this time at the start of the season. Again, as much as I would have loved for my girl Cheryl to get a three-peat (as I am a total Cheryl fangirl and totally screamed my throat raw yelling at her at the tour), Ian wasn't quite good enough. At least they went out on a good note, with their perfect score, having finally impressed the judges. I was really feeling sorry for them because, until last night, Ian could never do anything right at all. He was either too repressed or too loosened up, the judges would advise him to do one thing one week then contradict themselves the next, and they railed on his mistakes and missteps even moreso than most of the other dancers. I was glad to finally see them be given the credit and scores they deserved. I also totally 'ship Ian/Joey now.

My money is still on Apolo to win, though it's REALLY getting to be too close to call, and if they deliver performances of Monday's caliber next week, I wouldn't be surprised to find the votes in a deadlock and/or a three-way tie in judges' scores. All 3 could win, but I just have a feeling about Apolo. My ma swears it's going to be Laila, though. So we'll see. kicksav29, I know you're rooting for Joey, so ONE of us is going to be right. *lol*

dancing with the stars, fandom meta, dwts

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