(no subject)

Apr 20, 2007 21:37

Bah. I hate papers due on Mondays. :s I have one due in History of Modern Africa this Monday, and only realized this yesterday, and only because I checked the syllabus to make sure. Dr. Reynolds forgets that he assigns us stuff (bless him) because he sets all the due dates before the year begins, so he never reminds us about assignments in class, and I suck at remembering to check the syllabus. I know half the class probably won't have it on Monday because they'll forget it, too, but I don't want to be in that half. I have never turned an assignment in late without a good reason, and I don't plan to start now. I reckon if I get at least 3 or 4 pages done by the time I come back to school on Sunday I'll be fine. It's just that me and African history don't get along, so it's going to be tough to write. I am thankful that I have gotten into the habit of "rationing" longer papers so it's easier on me instead of doing it all in one go the night before, though.

Almost done with having to do this, though. I'm done with my major, and only have one gen-ed, so no long papers after this one.


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