Okay, so summer has finally come, and I haven't been doing anything at all. Lol. This is the first time in 4 years that I am not taking summer school, so it's really weird to be waking up whenever I want to, and.. not doing anything during the day. No complaints there.
So what have I been doing recently. I've actually been watching movies these past few weeks of summer. No, not downloaded movies that I usually get, but in the theater! Lol. Don't exactly remember when, since this whole summer is literally a blur for me, but I did at some time get to watch the third Harry Potter film, Spiderman 2, and the Anchorman movie. I dunno why, but everyone that I know who watched it disliked the third Potter film and dismissed it as the worst of the three currently out, while I think it's the best one. I mean, really, all the gayness that was present in the first two films that made them unwatchable is gone, it's much more mature than the first two, it has that brilliant destiny sequence in the final act, it's more character driven rather than special effects driven, and it has GARY OLDMAN as the new character, Sirius Black. Now for the other films, Spiderman 2 is excellent, so go see it if you haven't already. It got a 93% on TomatoMeter, which is incredible. The Anchorman was a hit-or-miss film, quite excellent for an SNL movie actually, but average for a comedy film.
Oh yeah, I went to Anime Expo too a week ago, on Saturday. This time, I actually REMEMBERED to bring my camera, so that was good. I heard that the people that went on Friday had a hellish time in both the pre-reg and the regular line, waiting 3 hours+ just to get their badges, while it took me like 5 minutes to get mine. Lol. Last year when I went, which was the first year I went to any convention, I thought that the expo was ONLY the dealer's room, so I totally missed out on the other stuff upstairs and in the hotels, until like, the last 2 or so hours of the event. Luckily, I didn't make that same mistake this time, but I ended up spending most of my time right outside the convention building, which was where most of the cosplayers were gathering, and the dealer's room. Cosplay was good this year, but I was really surprised at the overwhelming amount of Naruto cosplayers. Last year, it was allllllllll Final Fantasy X and X-2, but I didn't think it was gonna change this year, haha. Anyway, took some good photos, since they were mostly outside and had NATURAL LIGHT, lol, and actually met some well known people in the whole cosplay community too, like Mr. Pimp Eurobeat King, Adella, and that one dude who always cosplays Cloud at every convention. I forget his name, but he's awesome. I didn't have a costume, but I wore my Final Fantasy Concert shirt that I got from the LA Philharmonic concert, and there were actually a few people that stopped and asked me how the concert was. Oh yeah, and I met like 9 people from WHS too. Most of them were in costume, too, lol. This year was a lot better than last year in terms of cosplay IMO, helped by the fact that I brought my camera and actually saw all the crazy group photos. I should have gone on Sunday too, because that's when the big One Piece group photos were being taken, and I didn't know about that until way after the convention was over. Oh well, at least I saw the Naruto group one. In terms of special events, though, last year was better, since there were better guests, and YUKI KAJUIRA the goddess of composing .hack//SIGN and Noir music fame had a concert. This year, we got Yoko Ishida, who did the Ai Yori Aoshi opening and every single damn song on the five-disc Para Para Max Anime set. Ishida can't sing, really. Lol. But the real gyp is that Otakon, the big anime convention for all the East Coasters, gets L'Arc~en~Ciel, which is like.. OMGWTLKAJLASLDKGJALSJGJLGGJYEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS for anybody that has even a faint knowledge of Japanese contemporary music. If my memory serves me right, Laruku coming to Otakon will be the first time any major Japanese band has ever gone to the US for a concert, so hopefully it'll encourage other artists to come over, like.. the brilliant green and Gackt! Of course, there have been some very big Japanese bands that have come here, like Do As Infinity and Psycho Le Cemu, but by major, I mean like, to the same extent as Luna Sea, X Japan, or Malice Mizer, the three of which along with L'Arc~en~Ciel revolutionized the Japanese music industry and pressured the studios to upgrade their sound recording technology(just listen to a Japanese song that was produced before 1994 and compare it to anything produced after, and you'll know what I mean). Hahaha.
Okay, what else. Umm.. I've gotten back to watching anime again. For like the last semester of senior year, I basically stopped watching anime on a continual basis, unlike the first semester, which was like.. 6 episodes in a row, then sleep, rinse, and repeat. Second semester was just watching the new Naruto and One Piece episodes that would come out, and nothing else. Yay for me.
I guess that'll be it for today. Night night.
Oh yes, and I have a new found respect for Daniel Radcliffe after seeing this. Apparently, he worships the Sex Pistols, and coupled with him making a movie with GARY OLDMAN, that makes him awesome! Lol