[Hetalia] "Celebration of Dignity"

Jan 02, 2011 20:54

Title: "Celebration of Dignity"
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Character: America (aka Alfred F. Jones)
Prompt: #16 Purple @ fanfic100, #18 Gift @ 25FluffyFics
Word Count: 431
Rating: G
Summary: England sends America a gift for their bicentennial.
A/N: A little US/UK if you turn your head a certain way.
Disclaimer: Hetalia does not belong to me.


It was an important year, it was his bicentennial. He had now been his own nation for 200 years. America was excited, it was a proud year. There were going to be changes in his country, he was going to make himself even better over the next hundred years.

He entered his simple office to a surprise. There setting on his desk was a vase with purple flowers in it. At first glance he assumed that it had been a gift from the states, several of them liked to send them their state flowers, and there were many with purple flowers representing them. But there was something different. Placed up against the edge of the vase was a card. The card itself wasn’t unusual but the handwriting was very, very familiar to him. The handwriting did not belong to any of his states.

“England?” America picked up the card and turned it over in his hands. It was typical England, expensive parchment and elegant handwriting. He shuffled through the various office supplies on his desk looking for a letter opener. He inserted the thin metal instrument under the lip of the enveloped and tore it open.

Dear America,

This is a gift for you. A gift that should encourage you to be better than you are. You have a unique opportunity to create things that no one else can. You are unique, and as loathe as I am to admit it, damn useful.

I’m - there were various pen strokes, as if England had been putting pen to paper to start writing and then changing his mind - proud of what you have accomplished. No one expected you to beat me two hundred years ago. No one expected any of the things you have done. Again with the indecisive pen strokes.

Since you are probably too dense to remember when I taught you the meaning of flowers, purple stands for dignity, pride, and success. You should remember this. You need to keep it up.



P.S. If you tell anyone anything about this I will personally come across the ocean and throttle you.

America smiled. It was so like England to finish his sentiment with a threat. That was how it had always been between them. Love and threats. It was probably always going to be a trend between them. It had been ever since America had grown taller than his “big brother”.

He smiled and gently touched the purple flowers that had been sent to him. He would have to remember to send good ol’ Iggy some yellow ones back.

character: america, fanfic100 challenge, 25 fluffy fics, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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