[Hetalia] For the Next Thousand Years

Mar 23, 2012 17:56

Title: For the Next Thousand Years
Author: shuriken7
Claim: America
Character(s): America/England
Table/Prompt: Time/Millenia @ hetachallenge, Relationships @ fandomwords100
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG-13 (for implied sex)
Summary: He likes it here, he feels confident here...

America propped himself up on one elbow and leaned over his sleeping lover. England lay sprawled on the sheets, his golden hair tousled and a small smile on his lips. He looked completely happy and sated. America couldn't help but smile, a little smug, happy that he had put that look there. He watched him breathe, wondering exactly how many millenia he had been breathing and how many more he had. He brushed his fingers across his cheek and hoped that he'd be there. He wanted to stay by his side forever. He wanted to watch the years with him.


America leaned over and kissed him, causing his lover's eyes to blink open. He looked up at him with sleepy eyes, one of his hands brushing across America's cheek. He leaned into the touch, loving the feeling of that rough pad brushing over his skin. "What is it, love?" England asked.

"Can I stay with you?"

"Of course you can spend the night. You never ask permission." his brow furrowed.

"I just want to stay by your side." he said, leaning forward to kiss him again, I want to be with you for the next thousand years.


England was looking at him curiously, so America snuggled up against him. He felt like such a sap. Maybe we'll finally have flying cars by 3012... he thought. He smiled against his lover's skin imagining how much fun it would be to take England for a spin in something out of a science fiction movie. He remembered one time they had flown together, England his wingman. It was a nice memory, one he would hold for a long time. He leaned into England's loving fingers that now combed through his hair. Let's just stay like this...


"You're being quite serious tonight, America. What brought this on?"

"England, where do you think we'll be in a thousand years?"

"I don't think any of us can know where we'll be."

"I know where I want to be."

"Oh? Where?"

"With you if I can. No matter what comes between us, wars or whatever, I want to be with you." he looked up into his lover's eyes in earnest, and England looked back at him, surprised. America kept the serious look on his face and England's surprised look softened into a smile.

"I will do my best, my love."


America smiled, the promises he liked to hear echoing in his ears from his lover's lips. His heart swelled with affection and kissed that mouth that made such promises. America knew that the statements were truth. He loved him. He felt England's smile against the curve of his lips as he wrapped up against him. Their bodies moved together, decades of love and centuries of emotions between them. He could touch and taste and exist beside him. These moments were going to be his for as long as he could, whether that was another year, decade, century or millenia.

pairing: america/england, character: england, character: america, hetachallenge, fandomwords100, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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