Days 17-Day 26 - FandomWords100 31 Day December Challenge

Dec 31, 2011 00:27

Yeah... I fell off the wagon... but I will catch up by the end of tomorrow! I kind of just haphazardly filled prompts with my favorite pairings OTL

A/N: The stories are not chronological and are little snippets. Written for fandomwords100 31 Day December Drabble Challenge!


Title: Winter Days and Nights
Fandom: Hetalia
Characters: America/England
Rating: PG - PG-13
Prompts: 17, 18, 21

Day 17 - Candy

America found the jar, reaching out for it, seeking out just the perfect piece. He had done this every so often for the last few hours, England had to admit he was enjoying it. He moved through, moving past the peppermints and spearmints. until he found exactly what he was looking for. He picked up the piece of butterscotch, and unwrapped it holding the hard candy to his lover's mouth. England opened his mouth, accepting it while giving him a heated look. America smiled back at him and leaned closer to kiss the edge of his mouth.

“Merry Christmas, Sweetheart.”

Day 18 - Trashy T-shirt

"Hey Artie! What do you think?" America asked. England turned around and faced him. His eyes widened at the vision in front of him. England just stared at him blankly for half a minute. America started to look nervous, apparently this wasn’t going over as well as he hoped.

"Where did you find such a God awful shirt?" he asked. America's grin wilted a little.

"You don't get it? Is it too subtle?" England rolled his eyes.

"Darling, if there is one thing that shirt lacks, it would be subtlety." America pouted and England made sure to kiss it away.

Day 21 - broken ornament

England stared down at the tiny fairy ornament on the kitchen table, it had been shattered that morning. It was now put back together. He looked at his magical friends in question, wondering if they were responsible. The fairies shrugged and gathered around the glass figurine, admiring it. England picked it up, he could see the small lines where it had been repaired. He heard the other enter the room, pausing as though he were waiting for a verdict.

"Thank you, love." he whispered, walking over to him to give him a soft kiss on the cheek, “You’re the hero.”


Title: Quiet Winter Moments
Fandom: Hetalia
Characters: America/Canada
Prompts: 19, 20, 23, 24, 26

19 - Build a Snowman

"Make it bigger, Matt!" America added a few more handfuls of snow to the base of their snowman.

"Al, if we make it any bigger we won't be able to get the head on!" He added a few more handfuls of snow to the middle before shoving it on top of the base. The snowman was now towering over both of them and the head had not even been completed yet.

"Then we'll just get the ladder! This is gonna be the best one on the block!" Canada rolled his eyes, and smiled. May as well dream big with America.

Day 20 - Deer with Snowman

America supposed he could relax about the cold surrounding his Montana cabin, when he got a glimpse of some deer creeping through his yard, trying their best to get at the noses of the snowmen that he and Canada had built the day before.

"Cute, eh?" he heard in his ear just as warm arms wrapped around his middle. America smiled and leaned back against the other offering a sip of his coffee. America nodded as Canada took a sip, humming in approval. It was quiet and peaceful there. He leaned into the other’s warmth and just enjoyed the view.

Day 23 - Bird on feeder in snow

Protected by the warmth of his home, America loved the winter. He could sit on his sofa facing the large picture window in his home, wrapped up in a blanket and watching the snow. He loved the way that the light would reflect off the ice that would freeze to the tree branches, making the whole world glitter as though the white blanket were made of diamonds and not snow. He could relax here in the wilderness. A little bird landed on the edge of his front porch, causing the smile to get even wider. Life was completely perfect today.

Day 24 - Jingle Bells (aka as Canada failing at innuendo OTL)

Canada was going to kill him if he didn’t stop, he had been jingling those damn bells absentmindedly for the past hour. He could feel the rage building underneath his calm facade. He was going to tell him off, he was going to make him stop. He got up from his chair and walked over to him, plucking the bells from America’s unsuspecting hand.

“You know, I think there are better things for you to be ‘ringing’.” he said, sighing inwardly, that wasn’t what he meant to say at all, but the heated look he was getting was worth it.

Day 26 - Mittens

“My hands are freezing!” America complained, briskly rubbing his hands together. He had taken off his gloves, revealing bright red frozen fingers. Canada rolled his eyes.

“I told you to wear waterproof gloves...”

“They’re gonna have to cut off my fingers or something!” he interrupted dramatically. Canada shook his head and came up to the other, taking his hands and putting them in his mittens with his own, much warmer, hands. He wrapped his fingers around the others, offering up some of his warmth. He leaned his forehead on America’s.

“Better now?” he whispered, getting a big smile in return.


Title: Winter Exchanges
Fandom: Hetalia
Characters: America/Japan
Prompts: 22, 25

Day 22: Poinsettia

''I don't understand your interest in this poisonous red plant, America." Japan said as he leaned over the large potted plant that was taking up much of the center of America's dinner table. He brushed a finger along the leaves, he supposed they were soft. America came over and traced his finger along the same petal. Their fingers brushed together and it caused Japan to blush.

"You know it's Christmas-sy. And, know what? I don't understand your poisonous fish that you like so much!" Japan nodded, he guessed they both still had a lot to learn about each other.

Day 25 - Pretzel Sticks

America was looking at him with a hopeful look stamped on his face, the pretzel stick in between his lips. Japan stared at him, that wasn’t the proper game snack.

“C’mon, it’s like the Pocky game!”

“That is not Pocky.”

“So? Does it really matter, it’s the same idea, carbs covered in chocolate. You’ll like it.” Japan sighed and decided to indulge his overly playful boyfriend. He supposed either way it ended up he would win something, either he would enjoy the snack, and if he didn’t, at least he got to (secretly) enjoy the kiss at the other end.

character: england, character: america, character: japan, fandomwords100, fandom: axis powers hetalia, pairing: america/england, pairing: america/japan, character: canada, pairing: america/canada

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