[Hetalia] "Knowing"

Aug 29, 2011 18:23

Title: "Knowing" a USUK Drabble Series
Fandom: Hetalia
Bonus: 1 - journey, friendship, taste, amusement; 2 - ALL; 3 - journey; 4 - journey, friendship; 5 - journey; 6 - taste, culture, friendship; 7 - friendship; 8 - culture; 9 - taste, friendship, amusement
Team: Team Ice
Challenge: 22. Foreign @ fandomwords100; East, Compass, Sky, Embark, Destination, Detour, West, Fly, Absolute @ drabble123 ; family, chained, freedom, travel, own, blind, wounds, ground, tied... @ 50ficlets
Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary/Other Info: America and England both the same thing, but they can't seem to tell each other.

America had a foreign feeling building in his stomach as he gazed into the east, watching the waves, watching the water that had carried England away from him. The other had left that morning, beginning the journey that would take him back towards his home. America’s heart fluttered when he thought about their friendship beginning to be rebuilt. He realized that he wanted more than that. When the other thought he was looking on him in amusement he was really watching his mouth, wondering what he tasted like. He wondered if he would ever have the courage to tell him.


England stared down at the ornate compass in his hand, the intricate foreign designs. It was from China, a culture vastly different from his home. He turned it, the western letters designating the words north, south, east, west. West, he turned, watching the dial until it told he was facing in the right direction. He wondered if the journey to America had been a mistake, he smiled in amusement at his predicament. He was chained, wanting so much more than the friendship now. He now had a taste of what closeness with America would feel like and he wanted it.


America looked excitedly at the plans for an air craft. It was unheard of, the foreign concept of a machine that could fly in the sky. He could feel it, it was the epitome of freedom, no more restrictions. He knew the invention would cause the world to shift. The length of a journey could be shortened, business and industry could expand, people would be able to see their loved ones that much sooner. He smiled softly, if this invention worked he would be able to see England faster than the multi-day trip across the Atlantic. He grinned happily.


He decided today was the day, he would journey to England’s house and tell him. He embarked on a passenger liner, making his way across the ocean, hoping he would not lose his nerve when the other was actually in front of him. He wondered how England would respond, would it ruin their friendship? Would he find the idea so foreign and abhorrent that he would never look at him again? He sighed and leaned against the railing, how would he phrase it? Should he go Hollywood style or not? America breathed deeply, hoping that it would all work out.


England had been surprised when he had received the telegram announcing America’s arrival in a few days. He made sure that everything in his house was in perfect order, hoping that America wouldn’t find it too foreign, he had remodeled recently. He hoped nothing would go wrong with America’s journey and that he would arrive safely at this destination on his own soil. He waited around the docks the entire day America was supposed to arrive. His heart soared and he couldn’t help the smile that came to his lips when he saw the blue-eyed man in the crowd.


America grinned as he took in the tastes and culture of the town. He had received a message that England would find him later. His grin widened when he finally spotted that mop of blond hair. He waved brightly and walked over to the other nation wrapping England up in a hug. He reveled in the still slightly foreign feeling of being able to hold him, even if it was just in friendship. His mind went down a detour, blind to any other intention, he wanted to tell the other how he felt. However, despite himself, the words didn’t come.


England felt his heart soar when he saw America waving at him so happily. He felt a trickle of hope, an emotion that had been foreign to him for quite some time, growing in his heart. He was unable to move when the other wrapped his arms around him, too surprised to speak. Emotions began to well up, mending the raw edges of the wounds he had been carrying for over 100 years. He smiled against the other’s shoulder, wanting this, even if it was only friendship. He wanted to look into the west and know someone cared about him.


The tentativeness he was feeling was foreign to him. He was America, he never hesitated in anything, it was his greatest strength and biggest fault. He didn’t know why he couldn’t just tell the other how he felt. As they walked, he got up the nerve to show him. They walked and talked about nothing, laughing sometimes at the other’s cultural quirks. Now was the moment, America thought to himself as England’s door closed behind him. They were alone, and he reached out and pulled him in for a kiss. He was flying, the ground left behind him forever more.


England had been surprised, never expecting America’s lips to be meeting his. Before, this would have been a foreign idea, kissing the one that had broken his heart all that long ago. He gave in to the soft kiss, and the feeling of joy in his heart was absolute, this was what he wanted. He brushed his tongue against the other’s lips wanting to taste him, gain the knowledge he had been denying himself in the name of friendship. He inwardly smiled in amusement. What fools they were. No matter how far apart, their ties would always keep them together.

pairing: america/england, character: england, 50ficlets, character: america, drabble123, fandomwords100, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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