[Hetalia] Five USxUK drabbles

Aug 20, 2011 16:13

All are posted to fandomwords100. This finishes of my fanfic100 challenge!


Title: Lost Letters
Fandom: Hetalia
Bonus: none
Team: Team Ice
Challenge: 22. Foreign @ fandomwords100, And @ fanfic100, Subtract @ 50ficlets
Rating/Warnings: G - Hetalia deals with personifications of nation-states. Some stories may be historical while others may be examining them as just people.
Summary/Other Info: America has a way with words.

“America! What have you done to my words?!” demanded England. America looked up from his writing desk, quill still poised in his hand where he had been practicing his penmanship.


“Why are you dropping letters and spelling things however you want!” England held up the letter that had a foreign version of his language on it. He demanded explanation.

“And? I heard that you should never trust a man that will only spell a word one way.” England glared at him and America was forced to work on his writing so long he deliberately began to spell things differently.


Title: Dress
Fandom: Hetalia
Bonus: amusement
Team: Team Ice
Challenge: 22. Foreign @ fandomwords100, She @ fanfic100, Denial @ 50ficlets
Rating/Warnings: G - Hetalia deals with personifications of nation-states. Some stories may be historical while others may be examining them as just people.
Summary/Other Info: Fem!America finds Fem!England hilarious.

“It’s completely inappropriate for a woman to be dressed thus, America!” yelled England, her face flushed in anger. America raised an eyebrow in amusement. It was growing rather common in her home for women to wear pants these days. Just as it was no longer a foreign concept for women to be wearing shorter skirts. It wasn’t her fault that England was stuck in the past. She stretched her legs out in front of her examining what was so offensive to the English woman.

“You’re just jealous your skinny legs wouldn’t look good in these!” England sputtered and America laughed.


Title: Struck
Fandom: Hetalia
Bonus: none
Team: Team Ice
Challenge: 22. Foreign @ fandomwords100, Life @ fanfic100, Abuse @ 50ficlets
Rating/Warnings: G - Hetalia deals with personifications of nation-states. Some stories may be historical while others may be examining them as just people.
Summary/Other Info: America is surprised by England's behavior in the mid-1700s.

America frowned, not understanding this foreign behavior from the colonial power. It was getting ridiculous really, taxing all of his paper? This constant harping on finances was starting to get on his nerves.

“England will you quit with the nagging? You are starting to sound like an old raven.” His eyes widened in surprise when England grabbed him by the shirt collar. The other man had never grabbed him like that in his life, something had changed.

“You are growing up now America, you will be pulling your weight.” He released him and walked off, leaving America confused and shaken.


Title: Waking Part One
Fandom: Hetalia
Bonus: none
Team: Team Ice
Challenge: 22. Foreign @ fandomwords100, New Year @ fanfic100, Now @ 50ficlets
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 - Hetalia deals with personifications of nation-states. Some stories may be historical while others may be examining them as just people.
Summary/Other Info: America wakes up to a dream.

America woke up to a foreign feeling, though not unpleasant in the slightest. He was afraid to move, fearing he was still dreaming and the other person that was sleeping next to him would disappear when his conscious mind finally caught up with him. He finally reached out and touched England, his palm spreading over his skin. He was real, that had happened last night. He pressed his lips against the other’s skin, trying to get a taste of him. He smiled against the other’s skin, joy rising that this was now, this was the beginning of a new life.


Title: Fly
Fandom: Hetalia
Bonus: none
Team: Team Ice
Challenge: 22. Foreign @ fandomwords100, Fly @ fanfic100, Fly @ 50ficlets
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 - Hetalia deals with personifications of nation-states. Some stories may be historical while others may be examining them as just people.
Summary/Other Info: England wakes up to a dream.

England stirred as the sun fell across his tired eyes. He could feel a pleasant warmth against his back, an affectionate touch. His heart began to race for a moment, wondering if it was still a dream. Had he really held America in his arms last night? Was America still here in this moment? He was afraid to move, fearing the dream would dissipate, but he finally moved. He turned slowly, eyes closed, afraid to look. He felt lips brush his forehead, it was almost foreign. He smiled, when he realized the truth. His heart had grown wings and flown.

pairing: america/england, character: england, 50ficlets, character: america, fanfic100 challenge, fandomwords100, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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