[Hetalia] "Happy Birthday America-kun"

Jul 03, 2011 17:45

TITLE: "Happy Birthday America-kun"
AUTHOR: shuriken7
FANDOM: Hetalia
PAIRING: America (Alfred F. Jones)/Japan (Kiku Honda)
GENRE: Slash
PROMPT: 2 - Surprise @ 20_est_relships, 50. Spirit @ 50ficlets
SUMMARY: America comes home to a surprise for his birthday.
WARNINGS: Hetalia deals with personifications of nation-states. Some stories may be historical while others may be examining them as just people.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Hetalia.

America was always hyped up the week before his birthday, sometimes it started even a month in advance, whenever he found a display of goods created for his birthday. Things like red, white and blue sprinkles or bracelets with little flags, sometimes even cupcakes decorated in the national colors. There were so many things and he loved all of it, and each year he looked forward to the new things that his people would come up with. In fact, he had just purchased some star shaped marshmallows on a whim thinking it would be fun to roast them over a candle or something when he watched a movie later that day.

He arrived at his house to find a rose on his doormat, he picked it up curious, reading the card attached. He recognized the characters immediately, it was a gift from Japan. He could just pick out a few of the Japanese symbols that were written on the card.. It was wishing him a happy birthday.

“Silly, my birthday is not until tomorrow.” he said, forgetting that it was already July 4th on the other side of the world. He picked up the rose, smelling it, he always loved the smell of roses. He unlocked his door and headed inside to be greeted by a scene he did not expect. His house looked like it was ready for one of his birthday parties when he used to hold them at his house. He had since switched to a borrowing a country club in the past decade, because it was easier to clean up and that gave his guests more choices for activities. He grinned as he passed many of the items he had seen at the stores for the past month. The house had captured the spirit of the holiday very well.

There were streamers and banners, red, white and blue covering every surface and hanging from the walls. America smiled and felt a warm feeling bubble up in his stomach. It was really special that Japan had done all this, especially since the other would never allow him to reciprocate. He still wouldn’t tell him when his birthday was. He moved from room to room, each one filled with different forms of Americana. When he entered his kitchen he immediately snatched up a decorated cookie from the pile that had been left, which was something considering the fact that Japan thought bright icing colors were weird. He looked out the window as he chewed and noticed the smaller nation in his backyard putting up more decorations. He must have not been expecting him back this soon, otherwise he probably would be gone, too embarrassed at his own gesture. America smiled and snuck out the side door to come up behind the Japanese man.

Japan was humming something to himself as America slowly crept up behind him. He was hanging a few streamers up in one of the trees standing on a step ladder to get a little more height. America grabbed him abruptly around the waist, pulling him off the ladder, squeezing him in a hug.

“A-america!” he said, surprised. He looked over his shoulder at the younger nation, America grinned back.

“Did you do all this yourself?” he asked, turning the other man around. Japan nodded, a light blush now creeping across his cheeks at getting caught.

“Yes, I looked up the proper way to do it and what I had gathered from your American TV shows, and drew on my experiences from your past parties and...” He wasn’t able to finish because America had pressed his lips against his. Japan seemed surprised by the sudden affection at first but was soon kissing him back.

“I love it! Thank you so much!”

Japan smiled, “Happy Birthday, America-kun.”

20establishedrelationships, pairing: america/japan, 50ficlets, character: america, character: japan, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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