[Hetalia] "Grease Lightning"

Jun 22, 2011 20:47

Title: "Grease Lightning"
Author: shuriken7
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters: Canada/America/Canada
Prompt: This is a deanon from the Hetalia Kink Meme. Original prompt can be seen HERE, 25. Writer's Choice: Cars @ 25fluffyfics
Word Count: 3,115
Rating: R-18 for smut
Summary: Canada finds America working on a sexy car.
Disclaimer: I do not own Axis Powers Hetalia
A/N:Yes, I'll own up to this one XD I have a lot of love for this pairing right now.

It had been a while since he had seen America, he had been busy with his elections and other business, while America had had business of his own. He was excited at the prospect of seeing him, he had been quite lonely for him, and although America would never admit to it, he knew his southern neighbor felt the same. He had pulled up in the cab in front of America’s house to find the garage open and an old, slightly beaten up ’67 Ford Mustang was sitting in it, the hood up, and the sounds of tinkering behind it.

“Al?” he called, and a few seconds later he was treated with a view of America, hair messy, grease streaked across his face peaking out from around the hood. America smiled at him.

“Hey Mattie! Check out what I found at an auction last weekend! It’s going to be awesome when it’s done!” he said brightly as Canada carried his luggage up the driveway and into the garage. He felt his heart skip a beat when he realized the other nation was not wearing a shirt, honestly had it been that long since he had seen the other man that he would get flustered by just a shirtless America? He forced himself to look at the car, it was a good looking car, just like its new owner. “You can take your bags in the house, I’ve also got some lemonade in the kitchen, if you want any.”

America turned back to the car, reaching deep into the car’s engine to tweak some part. The stretch made every muscle defined beneath his tanned, slightly sunburnt, skin. It was a warm day, and now Canada was all the warmer for the view. It didn’t help that as America stretched it caused his jeans to ride down his hips, revealing a paler strip of skin that rarely, if ever, saw the sun. Canada gulped, face now bright red, and took his things into the house. On his way back out he stopped in the kitchen pouring two glasses of lemonade.

He walked back out into the garage to find America still bent over in the engine in a way that probably wasn’t as provocative as Canada thought it was. He cleared his throat to get his attention. America turned his blue eyes to him, and pulled himself out from under the hood.

“Thanks, Matt.” he said, accepting the lemonade. Now that America was closer to him, Canada could see the sweat dripping off his forehead from the warmth of the day. His eyes followed a sweat droplet down America’s neck and across his chest, over well defined abs, America must have stepped up his sit ups recently. Canada itched to follow the path with his fingers, his tongue...


Canada snapped out of his fantasy, and smiled nervously, “Yes?”

“You just looked kind of spaced out. The heat isn’t getting to you is it?”

Heat was getting to him alright, just not the kind he knew America was referring to, “No, I’m fine.” America stared at him for a few more seconds as though expecting him to suddenly pass out from heat stroke, then began to gulp his lemonade, eyes closed, savoring the taste. Canada couldn’t help but watch some of the lemonade escape the cup and slide down America’s chin, watched the mesmerizing way that America licked the few remaining drops off the lip of the glass. Canada took a sip of his own lemonade, hoping that the cool drink would calm his body down, no luck. He would have to visit America more often if something as simple as this was causing his body this much distraction. America finished his lemonade with a happy sound and handed the cup back to Canada, who sat the two glasses on the tool bench nearby.

America started to chatter at him about the work he was doing on the car as he closed the hood, and Canada barely heard a word of it. America rooted through the tool box and dragged the creeper over to the car and began jacking it up, so that he could slide under it. After the car was sufficiently jacked up, he got down on the ground sliding onto the rolling creeper and the upper half of his body disappearing underneath the vehicle. Knowing that America could no longer see him, he gave the lower half of his neighbor a good look over, imagining what those legs would look like no longer clad in dirty, slightly torn jeans.

“Hey Mattie, Can you hand me the 1/16 wrench?” Canada walked over ignoring the tool box, instead coming to stand over the other nation. America had one hand stretched out, waiting for the wrench to be placed in it. After about a minute of no answer and no wrench, he rolled himself back out. He stared up at Canada with wide eyes, “Is there some kind of problem, Mattie?” he asked, staring up at him innocently. Canada knelt down so that he was straddling America’s stomach. He leaned closer to him.

“Yes, there is,” His mouth was now only centimeters from America’s, “The problem is you are working on that car instead of on me.” Canada watched as the slightly surprised look on America’s face, changed into a smirk, grabbing Canada by the front of his shirt and pulling him in, his mouth meeting hungrily with Canada’s. Canada could still taste the lemonade on the other’s lips, and as he licked them America opened his mouth to deepen the kiss, digging his fingers into Canada’s hair. America’s fingers traipsed down his sides, reaching around his backside and next thing Canada knew he was being lifted and thrown on the hood of the car. The car sank as America kicked the release on the jack that lowered the vehicle back to the ground.

“Al! You are going to dent your car!” he said as America began to attack his neck. America pulled away briefly and Canada saw a light in the other’s eyes, a look that always thrilled him while simultaneously making him wary. It was the “Manifest Destiny - I will have what I want, and what I want right now is you” look.

“I have to pound out some dents on this hood already anyway, what’s a few more?” he said grinning.

Canada grinned bringing America into another kiss, grabbing him around his sweat soaked back. He ground his hips into America’s eliciting a groan. As America kissed down his neck again, Matt thought he heard a car door slam. He looked up to see the manual release to close the electric garage door and he yanked it, causing the door to slide shut. America looked at him confused in the now sudden darkness, the only light coming from the clear panes at the top of the garage door and the open side door leading into the yard.

“Don’t want to scar the neighbors for life, eh?” he said, causing America to grin. He smiled back at him, the soft look turning into a smirk as he grabbed America and reversed their position, slamming the other man into the car. America looked a little surprised, “Now who’s the bigger nation?”

“Only in land mass,” retorted America, fingers messing with the hem of Canada’s shirt, “I thought you wanted me to work on you?”

“Changed my mind, I want to see how you run first, American models are supposed to be powerful after all.” he whispered against America’s skin as he indulged his earlier desire of kissing America from his brow down his face to his chest.

America chuckled, “So ind-” he gasped as Canada bit his collarbone gently, “indecisive, Mattie.” He made a noncommittal noise in response as he filled his senses with America’s smell all mixed up with the scent of a classic car, all leather and oil and perhaps even a tinge of rust. He alternated kissing and licking his way down America’s chest, leaving America arching and shivering in the wake of the cooling trail down his body. He paused at the waistband of America’s jeans and kissed the exposed edge of his hip before unbuttoning them and pulling them down farther.

“Race cars, really?”

“Shut up, they were on sale! My boss says I can’t spend too much...” Canada moved back up and silenced America with a kiss, honestly, it was too easy to get him off topic and Canada wanted to make sure America stayed on the right train of thought. America kissed him back, his tongue sliding along his. That was better. America tugged more insistently at his shirt, “If this doesn’t come off I’m going to tear it, no joke.” Canada leaned up off of him and pulled his shirt over his head, he’d had too many shirts ruined by the other to know that the threat was legitimate. America ran his fingers over the skin as it was exposed.

“You are getting grease on me.” Canada mock pouted as he looked at the trail now streaked across his skin.

“Deal with it.” said America as he went to work on Canada’s belt, tugging it through the loops roughly. Canada smiled and leaned down to kiss America, he licked at his lips and was welcomed with fervor. They fought for control of the kiss, the feeling making Canada light headed. He barely noticed as America slid his jeans down his hips, until his fingers brushed across the front of Canada’s boxers. He gasped, making America chuckle. Canada stifled that laugh as he ground his hips into America’s, eliciting a moan. He pushed himself onto the other, savoring the friction their closeness was creating. Using his own considerable strength he shoved America further up the hood of the car and climbed on top of it with him, the other nation would certainly have to pound out a few more dents when he was finished with him. He fished a small tube out of one of his pockets before pushing his jeans all the way off onto the ground.

America laughed, “I see, so your plan was to seduce me as soon as you got here.” Canada gave him his best fake glare as he helped America out of his boxers.

“Last thing I had on my mind.”

America made a disbelieving noise, reaching out to tickle Canada’s sides lightly before hooking his fingers into the waistband of Canada’s boxers and sliding them down over his hips. Canada shivered a bit as the cooler air of the garage hit him. The cold was soon replaced by a warm hand on him, stroking him, making him twitch. The warmth was intensified as America wrapped his legs around him, dragging him in closer. He looked into America’s eyes and saw it there again, that light, the one that said he wanted him and only him. America tugged at his body.

“I want this in me right now, become a part of me.” demanded America. Canada smiled, he briefly debated arguing about who would become a part of who, decided that thought sounded too much like something Russia would think, and chose to kiss America again, laying claim to his mouth, his jaw, his throat, and the vast expanse of his muscular chest. America impatiently tugged on his curl, a silent demand of “Hurry the hell up!”

He obliged, using one hand to slick his length, while preparing America with the other hand. America leaned up into the touch, trying to let Canada get to a better angle. Canada pressed his fingers into him, brushing the spot that he knew would make America writhe. After he felt the other was ready, he slid himself in as far as he was able, pausing to let himself adjust and America to relax a bit more. He leaned forward to place a kiss on America’s collarbone, pressing his nose into the side of the other’s neck. He always loved the smell of America, it changed depending on where he had been recently. Today it was all southeastern sunshine, barbecue, and fast cars.

America groaned into his ear, “Get a move on, Mattie”. Canada obliged shifting his hips and thrusting into America, the motion becoming faster and faster as they adjusted. Canada flushed a bit, it had been too long and he knew he wasn’t going to last. He looked at America as he drew him into another kiss, realizing he was probably the same. He buried himself deeply causing him to gasp, he was close. He wrapped a hand around America and thrusted into him, while touching the other man in the way he knew would drive him crazy. It didn’t take long, with a gasp of each other’s names they came within seconds of each other. Canada rolled off of America shaking, enjoying the feeling he had been missing for too long.

America got up from the car a few minutes later and rummaged in one of the cupboards on the garage wall. He pulled out some shop rags to clean themselves off. He raised an eyebrow at the other man.

America rolled his eyes. “They’re clean, and new, I just made them out of those old sheets that were faded,” he grinned, “And I know you liked those when they were on the bed.” Canada flushed as America sat down beside him giving him that look again, but accepted the rag and sat up to clean the mess off of his body. The car sank as America climbed back on the hood beside him. America wrapped an arm around Canada pulling him to his chest.

He whispered, “My turn. You wanted me to work on you, after all.”

Canada shuddered at the feeling of his sweat soaked back being pressed into America’s chest, America’s hands coming around to stroke his stomach, to tease the inside of his legs. He felt his body responding to the gentle touches as America pressed a soft kiss on the side of his neck, sucking at a spot below his ear. Canada sighed, leaning into him, still riding the high from the first round.

America shifted, laying him out across the hood of the vehicle, laying kisses and nips along his body. Sitting astride him, he leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. Canada opened his mouth into the kiss, letting America press into his mouth, tasting the other nation. America then moved from his mouth to kiss his way down his neck towards an outstretched arm, causing Canada to squirm a bit at the touch to the sensitive parts of his arm, a kiss to the elbow, teeth grazing along the palm of his hand. Canada curled his fingers into America’s cheek and he turned to look at him, giving a look that was at once possessive and loving.

“If anyone knew you acted like this, you would lose your bad boy reputation.” he said, America just grinned.

“I always laugh when people say that, I always thought I was just some kind of farmboy gone city.” America replied. Canada smiled, America was always this way with him. He would explore every inch of him, rediscovering. The desire to explore, to lay claim to every inch of the North American continent was still there, even though he had given up that dream more than a century ago. He was careful with him, as though he would chase him away, afraid to be too intense. The gentleness made Canada want to sink into those eyes and be claimed by every touch. It terrified and excited him every time.

He gasped as America brushed a nipple with his tongue, he tangled his fingers in America’s hair, tugging slightly. The sensations boiled over him, sending rushes down his body to pool in his stomach once again. He felt a bit guilty, for missing this so much, for needing this so much. He grabbed America by the back of the head, “Damn it, Al! Now who’s being slow!” He needed more, and he needed it now!

“Must be the southern blood, but if you insist.” he drawled. America reached for where the lubricant had been left and hiked Canada’s legs over his shoulders, nearly bending him in half. Canada felt his entire body flushing now, at the look on America’s face. Without much preamble he stuck a finger inside of him. Canada gasped at the feeling, as America inserted another finger, pausing waiting for him to relax for searching out that spot that would send Canada arching into him. Canada reached up with a hand to wrap around America, teasing him to hardness. America pressed harder into him, finding his prostrate, causing Canada to gasp and wrap an arm around him to tug him closer bringing their mouths together in a wanting, sloppy kiss. America sucked on his lower lip before pulling back and getting himself ready to press into Canada. When he finally did, Canada felt himself pulling himself towards the touch, it had been too long. “You okay?” came a worried voice from above him.

“Never better you redneck hick, move!” he groaned as his body adjusted to America’s presence. He could see America grinning at the insult, before he thrusted into him, causing them both to gasp. With each motion Canada felt the indent behind him becoming deeper, America would be lucky if he didn’t have to replace the whole hood at this rate. It bothered him for a second and then he decided he didn’t care. America’s attention didn’t sway for a moment to the car, it was all on him, and he loved it. They lasted a little longer this time, before they were both laying there spent, shaking from their exertions. America lay his head on Canada’s chest wrapping himself into him.

“Damn, I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too, eh?” he said, placing a hand softly in America’s hair. He trailed his fingers down the southern nation’s back, feeling the strong muscles beneath his palm. He pressed a kiss to the top of America’s head. “We should probably get cleaned up.”

America leaned up off him, holding out a hand to him, picking him up off the car. As they headed into the house, America threw a look at the hood of his Mustang. “You know you are going to be out here tomorrow with me fixing that, right?”

“Whatever, I didn’t put the biggest dent there.”

“You contributed.” Canada rolled his eyes before pulling America into a kiss, distracting him from the car and sending his thoughts upstairs to the fun that could be had getting reacquainted with Canada in his shower.

pairing: america/canada, character: canada, character: america, 25 fluffy fics, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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