[Code Geass] "Preach"

Mar 19, 2011 09:53

Title: "Preach"
Fandom: Code Geass
Characters: Lelouch, CC
Prompt: If you were challenge: If you were a preacher I would change my ways @ 5_prompts
Words: 532
Rating: G
Summary: Lelouch and CC discuss his ideals.
Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass.

Lelouch was at it again. CC sighed hugging cheese plush closer. He was discussing his plans, his dreams, how he was going to change the world. It was a clever plan she had to admit. Lelouch’s use of the Geass was skillful, he was certainly entertaining. They sat locked up and hidden in his room at Ashford Academy.

“You know Lelouch, you should build a Church. I might even change my ways. You play a preacher so well.” she said languidly, rolling over and looking at him upside down from the edge of the bed. He paused mid-sentence, hand still extended in a grand gesture, before turning on her and giving her a disdainful expression. She smiled, even his disdain was measured, the elegant quirk of an eyebrow, the degree at which he tilted his head. When she did not elaborate the disdain turned to displeasure.

“And what do you mean by that, witch?” CC sat up turning towards him and crossing her legs, arms still wrapped around the large yellow plush. He stood in front of her, hands on hips glaring at her with his dark eyes. He was just too much fun to bait.

“Only that you are just so inspiring.”

“You don’t have to sound sarcastic.”

“Really, I thought that was why you liked me?” she gave him the most innocent look she could summon. He gave her an irritated huff and turned away, arms crossed. He gave such a good impression of an offended teenager. CC reminded herself that he was; a teenager, indeed, still a child. “Joking aside Lelouch, your desire to change the world is inspiring to many people.”

“But not you.” he stated, back still to her. She lay back on the bed, green hair spreading around her. She stared at the ceiling and thought about it for a moment. She briefly thought about not answering, mostly because she knew it would annoy the young aristocrat. She debated getting lost in the patterns of the ceiling and ending the conversation right there. However, it was a fair question, so she would answer it.

“I’ve lived too long and seen too many dreams crushed. Seen too many people with similar intentions pitted against each other because they disagree on the means. Like you and your friend.”

He drew his breath in sharply at the mention of Suzaku as he walked over to his desk chair and threw himself into it. CC tilted her head slightly so that she could look at him. This was a simpler Lelouch, one not hiding behind facades and meticulously contrived identitites. He had a hand on his forehead as though the mere thought of his friend gave him a headache.

“Suzaku... is just doing what he thinks is right. It’s so like him. At once he makes me wish I could join him, and at the same time curse him for standing against me.”

“He does not know it is you.”

“I know.”

“One day, you will have to deal with this.”

“Yes,” said Lelouch, swiveling his chair towards her, “But not right now, I have more powerful opponents than Suzaku Kururugi.”

“Yes, Master Zero.” she replied lazily. He smiled.

5_prompts, fandom: code geass, character: lelouch

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