HetaChallenge - New and Improved - Old Friends, New Alliances

Jan 16, 2014 11:44

Title: Old Friends, New Alliances
Author: shuriken7
Challenge: New and Improved
Character(s): France/Prussia, brief cameo by America
Word Count: 815
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Prussia has offered to teach Revolutionary America all about war, but first some business with an old friend.

"I'm off to bed, I look forward to training tomorrow!" America said, standing up from the sitting room chair. The earnest expression on his face had France stifling a chuckle. He knew the boy would not be so happy about the situation in the morning. Prussia gave the kid a smile that only confirmed France's suspicion. France bid him good night.

He turned to his long time companion after the young nation left the room. Prussia gave him a mischievous side-long glance.

"Don't torture the boy too much." France chuckled, "He has no idea what he is in for."

"England should have given him some sort of clue rather than hiding him over here where none of us could get a look." Prussia snorted, tilting back another glass of wine. France lay down the book he'd been reading and got up from his chair. Prussia scooted over on the couch he'd been seated on, telling America war stories that widened the young nation's eyes. France leaned back into the seat, his thigh pressed against Prussia's. The other nation did not pull away.

"Well, my little America has a lot to learn about being independent."

"Let me guess, you intend to teach him?" Prussia chuckled, tugging on a lock of France's hair. France playfully swatted him away.

"About some things, yes. You better not be thinking of taking the honor from me." France leaned against him slightly, Prussia lifting his arm over the other's shoulder. It was a comfortable familiarity.

Prussia rolled his eyes at him, "You're competition with the island brat is not something I want to be in the middle of. Especially not over one a kid. Although he is a good looking one."

France nuzzled the other man's neck, humming in agreement. Prussia tilted his head, away from him. He shifted just slightly. France chuckled and backed off, "Ah, the soldier is back."

Prussia scowled, "He never left."

"I would have thought you'd prefer some adult company. Considering you'll be spending God knows how long with the child." France stood up from the couch and walked towards the fire place. He appreciated the architecture of the house, utilitarian but not without refinement. Most likely England's design, with a few American accents.

"I've gotten used to kids."

"Ah, that little brother of yours."

"He's cute, but strong-willed. I should have brought him."

"And have two strong-willed young nations on your hands? Better not to."

They laughed. Prussia considered something for a moment before standing up and walking over to France. He stood close to the Frenchman's back, pressing his nose gently against the back of the other's neck. France closed his eyes, waiting for the rough touch of his friend. They had known each other so long, it was never even really a question anymore, more of an inevitability.

Prussia inhaled the scent of his skin, pressing his face deeper into his hair. "You haul me all the way here just because you wanted company? Spain's been itching to take a swing at eyebrows for a while now too, you know." he teased, wrapping an arm around France's waist and pulling him back against him. France leaned against him.

"Don't act as if the idea of a war doesn't interest you." France reached over his shoulder and tangled his fingers in Prussia's silver hair.

"War always interests me."

"Amongst other things." France teased, as he turned in the other's hold so that the tips of their noses brushed.

"Amongst other things." Prussia echoed before pressing his lips roughly to France's. France could tell from the hold and the kiss that he was done with the simple flirting. They would both get what they wanted, a release, something that would be a long ways off once England really started to pay attention. He let himself be pushed into the hallway as he considered what England's face would look like if either he or Prussia ruined America's innocence. It was beautifully tragic, but he decided that it wouldn't do.

He found the door knob to his temporary quarters and allowed himself to be sent through the doorway with a shove, Prussia close behind. It was good for Prussia to blow off some steam, France thought, he'd spent too much time around young nations he wasn't willing to deflower.

The bed was harder than he preferred, but he could forgive American austerity when he had a red-blooded Prussian above him. He wasn't soft like many of his other liaisons. He was usually France could harken back to the days when they were wild nations, barely beginning to find their legs. When they were all stained red from war.

He would tease Prussia later for the state he left his fine clothes, but he couldn't be bothered now. That was for later, when they'd both had their due, sated and satisfied before they helped start a new world. 

era: revolutionary war, character: prussia, character: america, pairing: france/prussia, hetachallenge, character: france

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