[Hetalia] "Snow Forts and Christmas Dinner"

Dec 07, 2012 17:31

Day 7 - Cute

Title: "Snow Forts and Christmas Dinner"
Author: shuriken7
Characters: America & England
Challenge: Holiday Winter Challenge - 31 Fics in 31 Days @ hetachallenge
Rating: G
Summary: Colonial Era. This was the first holiday England had looked forward to for a long time.

Late 1600s

England had been working on the holiday dinner for hours, carefully preparing. Deep down that he was getting frustrated that no matter how carefully he watched the dishes they still turned black. He opened up the kitchen door and pushed at one of the windows. He waved the smoke out into the snowy day. After the dark cloud cleared, he could see the grassy area that stretched in front of the house.

America was busily building a snow fort, piling it as high as his short body could reach without falling into it. His blonde hair peeked out from under his woolen hat and his little gloved hands patted the snow solid. England smiled, love swelling in his chest at the cute image before him. He still couldn't believe the child had chosen him. Looked up at him with those big blue eyes and called him big brother.

"America! Come in for dinner!" he called through the door. America looked up from his work and smiled at him. The boy dropped the handful of snow and ran towards the house. England met him at the door to make sure he didn't track snow and mud in to the house. America escaped him quickly enough, saying something about he had saved something for England in his room. Some snow was dragged in behind him and he left a few small puddles in his wake. England shook his head and smiled. This was the first holiday England had been looking forward to in a long time, and even a little water in the house wasn't going to worry it.

character: england, character: america, hetachallenge, era: american colonial, fandom: axis powers hetalia

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