I was on a frickin' roll yesterday and got 24 and half of 25 written, and am still feeling the creative bug nibbling at me, so Chapter 8 may go live as soon as tomorrow. Yuh-huh! Sky's gonna take over narrating for a while, so enjoy.
I'm thinking this is going to top out at 26 or 27 chapters, and I'm already planning a sequel...
Chapter 7 )
Comments 28
Enough of my annoying ranting, I stand by what I said before! Amazing, astounding, spectacular, fantastic, superb, fabulous.... going through my theasauras here.... suspenseful, great, excellent, outstanding, wonderful, terrfic, splendid, marvelous, awesome, remarkable! Did I miss something out?
Weeeelll... this is more of an action/drama-oriented fic at its heart, and Bridge/Sky is more icing on the cake. When I started writing I was still a little squicked out by writing slashy romance of any sort for PR, so by the time I got to the point where I was more comfortable writing it, the fic was already plotted out pretty firmly in my head, and I find it hard to work romance into dramatic fic. I am also going for some degree of realism here- remember, Sky is usually pretty closed off about his emotions, so once their feelings do come out, he's much more hesitant than Bridge is. So you will get some romance and kissing eventually, but not til after Bridge is rescued, of course.
I am glad you're enjoying it, though!
Oh yeah, could you read It ain't easy being Shadow Ranger? Yet another requested fic, but it's a nice story.
Oh yeah, could you read It ain't easy being Shadow Ranger? Yet another requested fic, but it's a nice story.
I'll get to it, then; I'm kinda busy this weekend, though, so it won't be for a few days.
*believes Mary is evil* j/k :)
Yes, something important does happen in the very next chapter. >)
Poor Sky and those nightmares though. Listening to poor Bridge screaming must have been rough for all of them. Dang you are evil! *g*
Odd question; where is Tessie from again? Sounds like a bit of a hillbilly/redneck accent t'me. (so says the redneck *snerk*)
I know, I know. *cuddles Bridge* I'm so mean to him, but it'll make the romance that much sweeter. Come to think of it, though, I'm being quite mean to Sky, too, poor lamb.
Odd question; where is Tessie from again? Sounds like a bit of a hillbilly/redneck accent t'me. (so says the redneck *snerk*)
She's from Kentucky. *g* It's my adopted home state of sorts (the old alma mater NKU is there, and I did an internship involving Kentucky history last year), so when I created her I decided she'd be from there. I didn't pin down exactly where, but she's from semi-rural Kentucky.
Kan-tucky! I know some folks from there! *lol!*
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