I'm listening to the song "The Evil That Men Do", not the Iron Maiden original version (can't stand the voice!), but the cover by the Dutch metal band "After Forever". Whenever I feel gloomy, I listen to metal. The song title fits whats going on at work, right? Its funny how I first started listening to Canto-pop -> j-pop -> j-rock -> various melodic metal/ jazz / random things ! One thing leads to another.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI4ue-1L8dc Some other songs I like from them:
Glorifying Means - (warning, has some growling.. @_@)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7sGr0KsIRc Imperfect Tenses (a slower song)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2HjNxZ-KXw ========
The first meeting of the day was that we are getting an additional paycut. Morale dropped like a lead anchor. This time, everyone is getting a 20% cut. So, for the whole picture:
furlough 2 days a month, 5% cut + 10% cut +20% cut
$15/hour ----> ~$10/hour
The sad thing is that I first started working here 4 years ago at $11/hour, so its even lower than my starting salary! ;_; Everyone is wanting to get a new job. We all have the same sentiment that its a sinking ship.. .
I told my lab supervisor about "H" stealing money from my bag, and he told me to get a camera. I got one at Fry's for $130 and it is so tiny that it looks like a flash drive. I'm a sort of type that takes advantage of "refunds", so I was planning to use or try it out and then return it. I have no need for it other than this purpose!
Today, that lab supervisor told the boss and the front desk supervisor. .. then it spread like WILDFIRE! The thing is that the front desk supervisor is very good friends with H. Once you ask her if H is stealing money, she would ask H if he did..! so, I couldn't use the camera at all because now everyone knows! There was no choice but to just have a meeting between the two supervisors, boss, H, and I.
I could tell H was all distressed. His eyes were red and glossy, like he was crying. "I didn't take your money, I don't know why everyone thinks I did it!", he said over and over again. He said that he goes into that office to make phone calls for privacy.. and he actually confessed in touching my bag. .. but for a PRANK.
OK, about a month ago, I got into an awkward situation with another co-worker, N. N does the marijuana metabolite (THC) confirmations. To quantify the amount of THC, you add an internal standard to every sample and the ratio between that internal standard and the THC standards is used to create a curve. The calculations are based on that curve and ratio. So, N ran out of internal standard for the first half of her set, made a new batch of internal standard, and used it with the second half. The problem is that no internal standard is going to be made exactly the same. Also, she never used it, so how should you know if it actually works? The ratio of the standards are going to be different, so the results are not going to be valid or accurate! Another co-worker and I told her to correct this problem by extracting a separate set of THC standards with the new internal standard so that it can be used with the second half of her samples. Well, I didn't see her do that, and when I asked her about it, she said that she did. I asked her again clearly if she ran those standards on the same day, and she said yes again. I had to go to the computer, look at the sequence and then check the reports she already turned in to compare the curve. No second set of standards were on the sequence and the curves were the same. She blatantly LIED to me!
She then wanted a meeting with the lab supervisors. I thought the meeting would be about that incident, but oh no.. she turned the tables and said things like, "Betty is so stressful to work with.. she is such a perfectionist.. her standards are so high, how can I be compared to her.. she is always babysitting me, checking my data behind my back.. always making me reshoot my samples although I don't have enough TIME to reshoot all day!(<-although she is constantly going on facebook)" So crazy!! Anyways, my supervisor agreed with me on what I did. I mean, her results .. they can have great consequences, such as puttting people in JAIL. What sort of standards does she have if her data is not accurate. I explained to her why it was wrong and she said she will never do it again, and understands why it is wrong, but she didn't correct her mistake . Apparently, she had a grudge against me because I went to check her data "behind her back". We use the same machine, so what's the problem?!
Anyways, H is good friends with N. I didn't know that N was so mad at me for confronting her on her mistake so that she was conspiring with H to pull some prank on me. H said that they were thinking of to hiding my wallet or item from my bag as a prank. He even confessed in opening my bag and looking inside, and "I never took your money". I bet that they did take, saw how much money is in my wallet and just split the goods. Its probably not just because of that incident, but also they are so desperate for money.
What made me upset is that the front desk supervisor kept on defending H. Saying things like "H would never do this.. he works so hard for his family and children".. In fact, basically, the whole front office people think he is innocent. One person said,"He doesn't have it in him to steal other people's money". Despite I SAW him opening and then quickly closing my bag when I approached the office and ALL the eyewitnesses. He would ask me if I was eating lunch yet.. then bam, money is gone after lunch. He would linger and walk back and forth the hallway keeping out an eye for opportunities. Sometimes when I eat lunch, he would poke his head out and check if I'm at lunch. Whenever he refills the coffee pot for water, he would pass by the office where my bag is.. etc etc. H said, "I swear on my wife and son that I never took your money." Now, since H brought up N in the meeting, that furthermore raise more suspicions that N may have first suggested the money stealing. I mean, I worked with H for maybe 3 years, and N worked less than 1 year.. only recently we have this problem!
So, H never admitted to his deeds and said that if you don't believe me, don't. I'll give you back your $500 although I didn't take it. haha, this is funny to give "free" money..! The front desk supervisor then told him not to, because he is broke and got a family to take care of. He then said that since "everyone" believes he stole money, he quit.. and he left. N, on the other hand, I didn't see for the rest of the day. Seems like she took 3 hours of sick time! hmm.. .
OK, if this is not enough, the front desk people are not happy with this incident for getting their good friend H to QUIT. One of my lab co-workers, he was asked to supervise a person. That means watching a person pee and making sure that person doesn't cheat. Usually H does this job, but he left. So my co-worker collected the sample and gave it back to the front desk worker. The sample is in a test cup that you have to wait 5 minutes to get the presumptive drug test strips to develop. The front desk worker told my co-worker that he has to time the 5 minutes, fill out the form, and seal the sample because "its your job now that H is no longer working here". How wrong is that? Its as if she is punishing him for siding with me! My co-worker got very mad because when he does do the supervision, he just collects the sample and they finish the rest. He has his own job extracting blood samples!! So, there was ANOTHER meeting between my boss, my co-worker, and the front desk personnel!! Afterwards, my co-worker said, "I resign. I'm giving my two week notice. I can't work with them like this anymore. I'm sick of this." ;_; .. . He typed up a resignation letter, signed it and gave it to my boss. That guy is a very good guy and I enjoyed working with him. He worked here for eight years! Look what I just created!! An even more big conflict between the lab personnel and the front office personnel..! :( :( Now, I bet they will also have something against ME.
I haven't been wanting to go to work for a while now because of that whole daily stealing money ordeal. Now, its going to be hard to work with the front office people because they are not happy of making their good innocent friend quit. I need a new job. not only because of the paycuts, but man.. look at the crazy drama of events! Its like a soap opera. I am so sick and tired of this.