random XD

Apr 23, 2010 15:43

Today... is a good day^^

The first time in a while I had a really cool dream XD (I can remember at)
Me and a friend where driving around Japan on some pretty cool motorbikes. Suddenly a pulk of bikers joined us, jamming the whole street!
They forced us to stop by next chance. On of the bikers walked to us. She wore a very tight black bikersuit and a pitch dark helmet.
While walking towards us she took of the helmet and shook her straight and long, blonde hair. Such a pretty woman!!
She asked us to join her biker-gang. Bozusoku!! The other members seem to be Japanese girls only. So she was the only gaijin XD
We were really excited and decided to join ^__^

But there was one condition before we could join.
She wanted to have a race with us! I was so nervous but still cool XDD
She said I should start behind her, because I could drive in her slipstream. But I just answered "no need" and started next to her.
So the 3 of us had this race! But I dunno who won, cause I woke up before it was endet .___________.""

What else? I baught new underwear this week... and the sun was shining constantly the whole week <3<3<3<3
I feel pretty cool in my new leather jacket and cool 70th styled sunglases XDDD
Actually I should be exausted... I had only 5 hours of sleep tonight, started university at 9 and have to go soon again from 16 to 20... and at 20 I meet with friends in the Vadder Rhein to celebrate Sophies Birthday^^
I wrote a (kinda stupid) birthday poem to her XD

And to everybody (especially in Germany ) Enjoy the fantastic weather this weekend, go out and have fun!!!
Summer is nearly there... this sunday we'll have SUN and up to 20°C in Heidelberg!
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