was tagged (again XD)

Sep 15, 2009 22:45

this time it's funfun who tagged me... (actually about 1~2 month ago... *caught*)

Answer the questions with pictures of the person/character you were tagged with.
Tag five other people and provide them with a person/character.

1. Choose a picture of the funniest retarded face on your person.

This face killed me XDDDD

2. Choose a picture of your person eating.

3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal.

kitten power!!! XD

4. Choose a picture of your person with a member of the opposite sex.

cute, ne ^__^

5. Choose a picture of where you would have sex with this person.

this was hard... and I know there are a loooooooooot more pix of him beeing even moooooore sexy! But I wanted to have a new picture^^ (and since the new tour pamphlet isn't scaned yet... there are lot of hot pix in it x,,x)

6. Choose a picture of your favourite outfit on this person.

really old but thill my favourite^^

7. Choose a picture of your person smiling. (are you kidding me? XDD)

It's more hard to find a picture of Miyavi NOT smiling XDD

8. Choose a picture of your person half-naked.

9. Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity.

10. Choose your favourite picture of this person.

actually I don't have a favourite picture of him... I love all of them^^
but if I had to choose, I would pic this one:

I love it 'cause it's really artistic and I love the colours and... everything XD

My taggs are:

shizukana_akuma  - Hakuei!!! give me the se:xness XD
_maaya_  - choose a person you like^^
rukyo  - choose a person you like XD
I have no special wish^^"

love ya all!!


I'm sorry I killed all of you layouts >__< I DID   a cut!!   I SWEAR!!   don't know why LJ didn't got it @.@

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