Nov 13, 2007 15:43
Hey everbody!
First off, I have a new layout. GO LOOK! ^_^
Okay, anywho. This past weekend was the HJU festival, and I had a blast! It was so much fun! I helped the E.S.S (English Speaking Society), for most of the weekend. We made lots of sobameshi (which was yummie~) and fruit punch. The fruit punch wasn't my traditional image of fruit punch... it was more like a giant bowl of fruit cocktail with chopped up mochi. With some grape fanta, you have one happy meg.. XD I took lots of pics and video, but alas, my laptop is a worthless piece of shitty shit so I can't take anything off my camera. Good thing I have a giant memory card, or I'd be screwed. But anyway, I had an amazing time. :)
Went to the english speech contest on sunday (I had to go for class.. >.<). One of the high school girls was so good at english that she didn't even have an accent! I swear, I closed my eyes and I thought she was american... it was freaky. There was also a celeb guest there who was a judge, Thane Camus. People were super exicted that he was there and were giddy, but personally, he's nothing special to me. He's an american dude who made it big with teaching english and whatnot. I personally think he's pomus and full of himself (he said during his little speech that his Japanese is just as good as his english. Please sir, don't let your modesty hold you back from sharing your real feelings.. really... asshole).
Ok, well... I must be going now. I gotta go leave soon to tutor english to tiny children. ^_^