Dec 23, 2008 11:56
I trimmed down my LJ list, because a bunch of people chose to "de-friend". Friendship always works both ways for me. I am not interested in a one-way friendship whatsoever.
My guess is that I lost about 4-5 readers with my views on gay marriage (and why it is just not important *to me*), one because I offered some friendly advice for his telecom problem that he (apparently) didn't like and one out of protest, because his hubby removed me weeks earlier for some unknown reason and he probably thought he must follow suit.
No big deal, but I do wonder at times, if those people are as sensitive and somewhat single-minded in real life as well and just chose to walk away when they notice something they don't agree with After all, you will hardly find anyone with whose views you can agree upon 100%, yet still enjoy of what they have to say otherwise. And, isn't the ability to disagree an opportunity for interesting dialogues?
It seems that a lot of people in the LGBT community are lacking the amount of tolerance about lifestyle choices and other people's views and opinions that they're expecting from others.