Oct 12, 2015 00:41
I'm frustrated by the fact that a lot of what I do depends on other people... and waiting for stuff to magically appear is really eating at my patience... x_x Either they don't deliver or they deliver on something so late that it's not even worth using... and in the meantime, you're wasting your time with things you know are suboptimal... you'd hope that giving people time to work on stuff in parallel would enable them to make a certain amount of progress that would be somewhat sufficient to work with when you decided it was time to revisit and re-implement stuff?...
I guess I'm just annoyed b/c I feel like I expected people to get shit done this time around, and people are not... which puts me in bad light b/c my work is slowed down... -_- and it looks like I'm not productive... but if everyone actually stuck to what they were good at, why is this such a slow process?!?!?!
At least give me some pointers while I try to make a temporary solution to this problem? x_x Don't have as much background in this as you people... :x
Well, it's an improvement over getting stuck with doing 90% of the work *cough class projects* and getting only 30% credit for it (or doing 99.999% of the work and getting 50% credit for it) !@#$%^
I feel like such a door mat. I get stepped on left and right b/c I'm not pushy enough about shit. :x
Plz do x. Reminder 1: plz do x. Reminder 2: plz do x. (should have continued with the reminders, but I stopped). And then, because x is not done, someone else proposes an alternative... b/c I didn't deliver on getting person a to do x... even though I explicitly (in writing) tasked it to said person... it still appeared as if I failed... I hate that.
Someone please tell me how to improve.