Artist: Me AKA
shunpo AKA
roomofawakeningTitle: Morning Rituals
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Renji/Byakuya
Warnings: Uh, if you don't like pink, don't click it. Oh, and you can see some of Renji's pubes. it just sounds weird saying that.
Summary/Notes: Well, I got this idea one day because I figured Byakuya would like to get his hair brushed, 'cause. Well, it made sense to me. And I thought it would be perfect if Renji brushed it for him because... ...He's Renji?
P.S. Yes, I attempted to draw Byakuya wearing Renji's "Red Pineapple" shirt.
P.P.S. Does anyone have an accurate shot of Renji's side? I can't really figure his tattoos out.
P.P.P.S. If it really bothers you that they're not sitting on the same plane, you can pretend Byakuya's chair is shorter, or he's kneeling.
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bya_ren, my journal. Sorry for the flist spam!