Dec 25, 2009 04:26
Here I am, back "home".
I'm essentially, officially graduated college although there's a hold on my account so I can't see my grades--even if I wanted to.
I got a big ass U-Haul truck and finally got all my stuff in it at 8am after spending all night packing away, and then getting back home. Twas a fun, a little sad experience. I almost cried on an on-ramp. Almost.
Now I'm back home with all my stuff. I have to admit that being back home for Thanksgiving was a terrible experience. The only positive thing was seeing my professor from BCC at her house and having a really great chat with her about life. Other than that I would of felt better spending that whole week at Amherst, in my room. My grades might have been better off.
But now that I'm back home with all my stuff, I feel a little tinsy bit better. I'm in the basement, which is filled with crap, the large portion of which is not mine. I've done some quick redecorating so at least I have a place to sleep. Still, this is not home. Home was my dorm room at college for me. I still don't really want to be here. And my family are not my friends.
Whatever, I'm going to relax here for a few weeks, maybe study up on life and basically get things organized. Life would be a little better if I had kept my car, as it is almost impossible to do anything around here without a car, and my parents are being the biggest whiny pieces of shit (and yes, Mom, if you read that, that is what you are being and I don't care if you see that, this is why I'm moving far away soon) about not being able to drive their cars. I have a friend at college who's car I've borrowed more times than I can count right now... and she was always cool about it. Unconditional trust vs. very conditional love... which one would you take?
Well, I had a great end to college. Went out with a really big blast with some of my best friends at Amherst. Grades... eh grades don't matter like I always say. I don't need to work on Wall Street, I had a good enough time at Amherst as it is. Now time to find out what is on the other side of my life.
the future,