A visual guide to the past couple weeks

Mar 11, 2007 19:06

A snowstorm from two weeks ago that gifted Loudoun County with several snow days. Thank you, O Grand Ciel, thank you.

Our Ents look their best in the summer and winter. I took a lot more of just trees, but I don't want to max out my Photobucket account...

A Fergielicious snowtransvestite was built, with a little help from my friend. Here I am pointing to its butt!

I finally got an mp3 player! It's a Microsoft Zune named Pablito. The packaging is class.

With flash! Oh how I love my Pablito. I've got most of my Beatles CDs onto it (left out 1, Past Masters, Red/Blue, etc.). I'm having some trouble getting YouTube videos onto it via Vixy.net. All of the converted .mpeg's have shaky video, although the sound works. I've emailed Vixy, but they haven't gotten back :( Google Video doesn't all of the stuff I want, blast them.

My Physics group is building an electric guitar for our musical instruments assigment. Here it is before we installed the pick-up and tuners. If you can't make out the shape, the body is a stingray whose stinger is snaking up the neck to finally stab the heart-shaped guitar head...

I got bored and decorated the neck with a tribute to my delicious breakfast of sausages, croissant French toast, and a grapefruit. Mmmmm.

I got a haircut today after a few months of too-long-for-me hair. Yay!

I heard back from my second-choice college, University of Rochester. They're giving me tons of money to go :)


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