
Oct 14, 2008 21:08

Title: Autumn
Pairing: ShunUki
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A quiet day in Ukitake's garden takes a turn...

It was a warm day, certainly it was warm for the time of year. The past week had seen nothing but bright, clear sunshine and crisp, clear air.

Ukitake stared over his garden at the 13th division, the ground was awash with colour; red, orange, yellow, auburn, russet, gold and one or two still green leaves. A small smile of satisfaction came to his lips at the pleasant crunching noise the leaves made under his bare feet as he strode over to the large oak tree that dominated his garden. The boughs of the tree were almost completely naked and their nakedness drew attention to the gnarled branches which had twisted and turned in their outward journey from the main trunk.

He stared up into the stark boughs, looking at the watery blue sky through the arms of the tree and smiled as a pair of birds twirled freely in the sky, dancing together in the clear air.

He hadn't heard anyone creep up on him, but then his lover always had been good at masking his reiatsu, even from his life long friend, he felt the familiar arms creep around his waist and he leant back into the warm body that was Kyoraku Shunsui, resting his head against the mighty chest.

“Hey beautiful, what you doing out here?”

Ukitake smiled and leant his head towards his lovers

“Just admiring this lovely day”

Shunsui brought his lips down to meet the soft pale lips of his lover, he sighed contently.

There was a small, intricately carved stone bench near to where they stood and Shunsui gestured towards it,

“Shall we?”


Shunsui sat on one corner of the bench, he put one leg up onto the bench, stretching it out, then he patted the space between his legs as a gesture for Ukitake to join him. Ukitake took the invite and sat between Shunsui's parted legs, leaning back into their earlier embrace, Shunsui's hands rested on his stomach. They sat there for a time just listening to the noises of the world around them,

“So what are you doing this evening?” Shunsui asked

Ukitake smiled, feeling the vibrations resonate in the taller shinigami's chest,

“Byakuya is coming round again”

“What does he want this time?”

“What he wants every time, to discuss Rukia”

Shunsui sighed, “Why can't he just let the poor girl get on with her life? she should be a seated officer by now you know”

“I know but what can I do? He is her elder brother and the head of the Kuchiki family”

“But you're her captain”

“You don't go pissing people like Byakuya Kuchiki off Shunsui”

Shunsui tightened his embrace slightly, “You could take him”

Ukitake laughed out loud.

Shunsui loved it when his friend laughed, hearing Ukitake's laugh just seemed to solve all his problems, or at least let him forget about them. That in truth was what he had always loved the most about Ukitake, the aura of wellbeing he seemed to give off to everyone around him. You couldn't be in his presence and not be smiling, well except maybe for the times when you saw him in pain, but luckily nowadays those seemed to be few and far between.

Maybe it was that aura that attracted people to Ukitake and made them want to be friends with him, Shunsui was just the damned lucky one in that he and Ukitake had grown close and that their relationship had progressed the way it had.


Ukitake had shut his eyes and was listening to Shunsui's breathing as well as feeling the rise and fall of Shunsui's ribcage as he breathed, he both felt and heard Shunsui shift slightly behind him, then Shunsui's hands began to move.

He kept his eyes closed as he felt Shunsui's lips against his ear, leaving a soft trail of kisses that began to wind its way down his neck, he sighed with pleasure, Shunsui's hands had moved under his haori and black kimono and were massaging his back and neck muscles.

Ukitake's back arched and his head lolled back as he tried to gain more contact between their bodies, Shunsui smiled, he loved the fact that he was responsible for the ravishing look on Ukitake's face right now.

Suddenly Shunsui stopped and Ukitake groaned at the loss of sensation, making Shunsui chuckle, he stood and removed his pink haori and laid it down on the ground in front of the bench,

“Shunsui you can't seriously want to? Not out here!”

“Why not? There's only one person allowed in this garden and that's you”

Ukitake cocked one eyebrow “Then what are you doing here”

“Ah now you see I'm a special case”

“In more ways than one”

Shunsui picked up the cheeky 13th captain and mock wrestled him to the floor,

“A mouth like that will get you in trouble” he warned

“You don't say?”

They kissed, but when they pulled away Kyoraku noticed an air of reluctance about his lover,

“What's wrong Jyuu?”

“It's just, you know...Byakuya's coming and...”

“And you said he was coming in the evening, the sun hasn't even begun to set yet, don't worry”

Ukitake smiled, he was right.


Shunsui removed his pink haori, his white haori and black kimono, he scrunched them up into a ball and leant over his lover to place the crumpled clothing beneath his head to act as a pillow, Ukitake smiled at the gesture,


Shunsui kissed his forehead and smiled at him

“You're welcome”

Their lips connected and neither was sure who exactly it was who initiated the deepening of the kiss but soon their tongues were battling for dominance. It was Shunsui that pulled away to trace kisses down Ukitake's neck, fumbling with the obi at his lovers waist he managed to free the black outer kimono, allowing him to expose more skin to his wondering lips.

Jyuushiro gasped and arched into the gentle touches of his lovers lips as they slowly made their way down his body until they came to the top of his hakama. Shunsui untied the fasteners on each of Ukitake's slim hips and lay the hakama open, drinking in the sight of his naked lover.

Shunsui descended upon him, gently kissing and licking up the insides of Ukitake's thighs, making the pale haired shinigami gasp and curse, then he reached his prize. Jyuushiro was stood at full attention and he now wrapped his lips around him, taking him deep into the back of his throat, Jyuushiro sat up straight, his back arching in pleasure,

“Sh...shunsui...” Ukitake choked out

Kyoraku looked up to see his fellow captain staring at him through lowered lashes, his eyes glazed with lust, it made his already painfully hard cock twitch and he groaned around Jyuushiro's member, the vibrations if which caused his lovers mouth to fall open and his eyes to close in the bliss.

Shunsui left his lovers nether regions and instead leaned up to take advantage of the open mouth, plunging his tongue in, he buried one hand in the silvery locks and the other moved behind Ukitake's back to help lower him gently back down to the ground.

When he broke the kiss, Jyuushiro moaned softly,

“Please Shunsui, I need you”

Shunsui smiled as he reached for the lube in his pocket, whilst Ukitake's hands got to work on the ties of his own hakama. He gasped slightly as his cock came into contact with the cool evening air, but then Ukitake wrapped his hand around him, making him moan. Ukitake coated Shunsui's cock in the lube his lover had provided, then he gave his dark haired lover a nod to tell him to proceed.

Shunsui pushed into Ukitake slowly, aware of the other captains fragility, once he was seated inside his impossibly tight lover he felt a pair of legs wrap around his waist, pulling him deeper into the welcoming heat. He then began to rock his lover gently, relishing in the soft moans and gasps it elicited from the beautiful man under him,

“Fuck! Shunsui!”

Shunsui had to suppress a laugh as he heard his usually so well spoken friend curse as he hit that spot inside him, the one that made his lover tighten even more and pushed them both closer to the edge. He lined himself up and struck it repeatedly, each time trying to drive harder and faster into it. Ukitake back arched impossibly as his senses were assaulted with wave after wave of pure unadulterated pleasure, liquid fire seemed to course through his veins and he could feel it start to bubble down in his lower belly.

A sharp cry was all the warning Shunsui got as Ukitake came, the tightness and the heat combined was incredible and Shunsui came soon after, his orgasm crashing down around him, as the ecstasy swept like waves of electricity up his spine.


Byakuya Kuchiki stood outside the door to Captain Jyuushiro Ukitake of the 13th Division's office door, he had knocked more times than was polite and he wondered if the pale haired shinigami had forgotten about their meeting.

It was dark out on the walkway, the sun had set long ago and the dim lamps along the walkway had sprung to life hours before.

However, it wasn't like Ukitake to forget something at all, let alone a meeting like this.

He was about to turn on his heel when he felt the reiatsu of the captain approaching, but he wasn't alone, Captain Shunsui Kyoraku of the 8th Division was with him, it was no secret that the two were a couple.

Ukitake saw Byakuya and blushed furiously,

“Kuchiki-taicho! I am so sorry to have kept you waiting, Kyoraku-taicho and I were discussing matters and lost track of time, I apologize sincerely”

Byakuya waved one hand “Think nothing of it”

'More like got distracted' he thought to himself.

Ukitake opened the door to his office and gestured for the 6th Captain to walk in ahead of him, Byakuya promptly did so. Ukitake was about to follow when Shunsui caught his arm,

“Come here my love” he whispered

Then he reached up and pulled a bright red autumn leaf from Jyuushiro's hair, he held it up for his lover to see and then kissed him briefly on the lips.

“See you later and good luck” he said,

disappearing off into the night.

author:xxlanaxx, fanfiction

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