I've been inspired by Terrance to start running again. And, well, because when Jenny dropped me off after clubbing on Friday night, I practically fell out of the car. (Yes, I was sober.) While I don't think I've gained that much weight since high school, I'm definitely in much worse shape than I was then. ... Alright, alright, so the freshman 15 hit me hard and I've never been able to recover.
Earlier today, I ran for the first time in years. I did about 3/4 of a mile in a little over 10 minutes. I used to be able to run a full mile in about 9 minutes. And considering I used to be so active when I was a kid - gymnastics, swimming, tae kwon do, basketball - it's kind of sad.
But no more! Once I get some of my endurance back, I think I'm going to run timed miles on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and do sprints on Wednesdays. Maybe play some basketball with Hanish and Johnny on Sundays. I also want to get back into wushu. But an hour of driving - there and back - and $80 per every two lessons is too big of a commitment for me to afford at the moment.
So... anybody want to be my running buddy? Anybody? Please...?