Everything is Beautiful and You Are the Reason

May 09, 2008 07:56

 I feel like I should make a post. I haven't in a while. The truth is I have a side gig...a hand-written journal.

I know! I'm sorry. I never thought I'd cheat on you guys!!!

But anyway-

how have you been? (yes, I know...I've read your LJ) A lot of you don't sound too good lately. I hope this changes soon!

I am doing awesomely! I am on the brink of something HUGE. This upcoming trip epic journey is going to be an eye opener. It's going to be fun, hard, relaxing, stressful, teach me something, let me teach others, etc etc etc.

Dude in addition to shaping up as I implied in my previous post...I have lost a bunch of weight. I don't know how much actually cause I don't have a scale but I know my pants are falling off and a blet of mine has to be put on two holes smaller. Sweet. It is straight up diet-change and excercise. Plus probably having less stress.

Also, something I haven't mentioned but I think it's pretty cool. I haven't watched tv since early February.

Dude, I lose my teenhood next month....what. the. heck.

Speaking of "being a grown up is lame". Y'all all know The Little Prince. WELL- Stas (my boyfriend) is Russian. He spoke Russian only until he was 10 then starting learning English. It is very common for this to cause the person to not know either language very well but he knows them both fluently. He just doesn't read very well...meaning it takes him a long long time. I have been saying "Oh have you read this book?! Well yuo should!" for a couple months about various books. One day he half-jokingly said "Well then read it to me!" and we would mention it back and forth over about a week or two. So finally I busted out my copy of The Little Prince one night and said "Lie down and hush" and just started reading it to him. I read some more last week while we were chillin' on a like a picnic blanket. Ha ha. It is so cute. He hasn't ever heard of the book and loves it so far.

I just thought that was a funny little annecdote.

Alrighty, have a good day!

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