It probably doesn't save you money to buy your nail-polish at the local discount beauty supply, as the nice man will convince you that you need a base coat and a top coat as well.
Two layers of color is not quite enough. Neither, for some reason, is three.
The stuff that claims to dry your nail polish if you spray it on lies.
That being so,
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My Pro also says you shouldn't try to use more than 2-3 layers of polish between the base and top coat. It will not dry properly.
Between times I frequently need to put on another coat of color and a top coat, because I'm really hard on my nails (color wears off the tips, scratches, cuts...). I have the 30 Second Top Coat from Sally Hansen's. It helps, really. Only a few minutes and I can spray.
I have no patience. I make a mess of myself, I try to only get the nails, but the skin gets it anyway. I wait about an hour until things are good and dry, then I just flex it off. Seriously. Your skin is flexible, the nail polish isn't. I just use another nail to kinda flex and mush it about and it will just flake off. It may take the better part of the later evening, but it does come off.
And it never looks as good as when I first come from the Nail Lady. But at least the color doesn't look as bad as it did before I refresh it.
Did I tell you I'm real hard on my nails?
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