A day early, I know. But considering I probably won't be on the computer tomorrow...
Title: Treasure the Sweetness
Word Count: 124
Notes: For L's birthday. Obviously Er, possible spoilers if the word WHAMMY means nothing to you. :O!
Treasure the Sweetness
Even though he was considered to be the smartest kid to have walked the halls of the Whammy institute, L did not consider himself as popular. Popular implied being loved-to a certain degree-by the general public. Something L was not.
He was fully aware of his inability to interact with the other children on a more sociable level.
He was fully aware that he had no friends.
But every Halloween, when Watari and Roger and all the other adults at the institute would give him handfuls of confectionery, he would pretend that each treat was a present addressed specifically to him.
L knew it was childish-foolish, even-but somehow, for a brief moment, it made his birthday seem all the sweeter.
T___T Because dammit, "Raito is my first friend." (Or whatever it was. I do not remember which chapter it was from, and thus cannot quote it accurately.)