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So, now Viki's scared... and not because of Saris, and not because of me...
Island Nations, lovely as ever.
But all this has made me realize that I've spent too long immersed in my own problems... I still have plenty to be afraid of, but now's not the time to dwell on it.
I think... I've spent enough time... dwelling on it. And time is something... well, you can never be sure of time, but it's something I know I don't have.
And besides, imagine if I died here and came back? They'd have to go all the way up to Seek Valley again. I'm a pain, but not that big of a pain.
Stop thinking about the Rune. It's safe with Tir. You just have to trust Tir. You survived every damn thing Windy put you through without it. You'll survive more.
You're three hundred years old, Ted. It's time to grow up.
Right. We need to get a list of things together that we'll need to get back onto the mainland... couldn't hurt to have a few more potions on hand... I wonder if I should finally get another rune?
I should make sure Viki's doing all right... oh, right, before I forget...