Great party last night. Invented another cocktail to go with
First Crush (aka Orange Yum Yum Surprise).
How to make a Tropical Screw
Wander into the kitchen. Watch boy make cocktails. Wait for boy to go away.
Wash up.
Fill cocktail shaker with lots of ice.
Poke around in the kitchen for stuff to throw into the cocktail shaker. (I like Stuff! And Things! Shiny Things! Things on Sticks! Ha ha!)
Add to cocktail shaker:
1 part vodka
1 part orange juice (the fresh kind)
1 part passion fruit juice with cognac (the "original" yellow Alize)
1 part pineapple juice
3/4 part lemonade
Locate guinea pigs. Taste. Find it kind of meh.
Add to contents of cocktail shaker 3/4 part cranberry juice. Drink is now a slightly murky peach in colour.
Give guinea pigs a taste. Taste. Hurriedly drink rest of glass before guinea pigs get to it because it is seriously yummy.
Happy Fun Time!
(You think the name is lame? It could have been called Passion Juice or Midnight Passion. Or Midnight Passion Juice.)